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It’s a simple split-pane calculator that lets users enter expressions in human terms on the left-hand side and see live results on the right. For example, you can assign variables (Rent is €2,000 , Months = 12) and perform calculations using them (AnnualRent = Rent * Months). If you feel updating one variable, the rest of the expressions update in real time.



  • work further on ability to change font + theme in menu.
  • responsive + accessible design (focus on smaller screens)


  • add toolbar with file, edit, view and help menus
  • allow user to set variables and words for operation
  • add modal
  • clearing on esc and disable spellcheck
  • favicon icons for modal
  • utilise mathjs / read docs
  • assign results to alphabetical variables + add copy button
  • add eur/% formatting, allow vars to be set on right of expression
  • add ability to open and save .calc files using local file system
  • ability to restore most recent file on load using IndexedDB + added shortcuts (ibdkeyval)
  • preventing exit without saving changes


  • sveltekit
  • mathjs
  • ibd-keyval
  • vite + typescript

setup project

# install node_modules
npm install
# run dev server
npm run dev

# build production version
npm run build

make sure the correct adapter is set up! (Netlify/Vercel/etc)