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Chatbot that recommends musics from YouTube

Overall project steps

1. Retrieve YouTube musics and extract them as embeddings

2. Implement our own ANNOY model from the embeddings : a powerful recommender used even by YouTube (stands for Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah) - and save it

3. Implement our Flask API with ANNOY recommender and additional intents defined with Wit AI: greetings, goodbyes, thanks

Project Organization

├── models            
│   └── nearest_neighbor_graph.ann          <- Saved ANNOY model
├── notebooks     
│   └── Annoy_Recommender.ipynb             <- Implements and saves the ANNOY model
│   └── Song Dataset Creation.ipynb         <- Creates and saves the dataset (music embeddings)
├── src                
│   ├── features    
│   │   └──               <- Extracts the genres from all musics and saves them in a dictionary
│   │   └──
│   │   └──          <- Back script to recommend Spotify songs (both content-based and collaborative filtering)
│   │   └──          <- Back script to recommend Youtube Musics from user input
├── web_ml                
│   ├── data       
│   │   └── musics
│   │   |   └── class_labels_indices.csv    <- Labels indices
│   │   |   └── music_set.json              <- music embeddings
│   │   |   └── flattened_labels.txt        <- Flattened YouTube labels
│   ├── static
│   │   └── slylesheets
│   │   |   └── pretty-checkbox.css         <- CSS for request.html
│   │   |   └── seasoning-style.css         <- CSS for request.html
│   │   └── chatbot-icon.png
│   │   └── icon.png
│   │   └── youtube.png                     <- YoutuBot Icon
│   ├── templates
│   |   └── request.html                    <- Web page for our chatbot
│   ├──                              <- Flask API implementation
│   ├── requirements.txt                    <- Requirements' file
│   ├── Procfile                            
├── Makefile         
├── .gitignore         
├── requirements.txt  
└── tox.ini            <- tox file with settings for running tox; see

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience