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Bit-Chain (The smallest block you can... chain?)

This project loads and shows a chart of the Market Price (USD) to the blockchain. Yeah, just one chart, I said it is small...

While the feature is simple, the project is a showcase for an Android architecture for a multi-module project with a mixed approach for organization, with feature[1] and support modules.

[1] It does not mean it applies android plugin for dynamic feature. It means that a feature module contains an app feature.

Support modules

  • :app module contains the app Application class, a Dagger AppComponent and it bundles together some Dagger modules to make the provided dependencies available to children subcomponents.
  • :networking module is mostly empty but defines a Dagger module that configures the network libraries. In a more complex app it would have custom interceptors, adapters and converters.
  • :components module is meant to have custom views like ChartView that are standardized through the app.
  • :theming module is meant to a central place to share the AppTheme across modules.
  • :android-di module contains Dagger annotations and a ViewModelFactory.

Feature module

  • :charts module loads the stats from blockchain API and display in a chart (MPAndroidChart).

Feature modules are meant to be 100% independent from any other feature module, but they can depend on any number of support modules.

Inside :charts module you will find a typical Clean Architecture in MVVM style, which means:

  • A presentation package with some View class and a ViewModel.
  • A domain package with UseCases, business models and Repository interface.
  • A data package with the Repository implementation, caches, REST API access classes/interfaces.
  • A di package that bundles together the dependencies of this feature.

The data package is a bit bigger as it contains a repository implementation, a cache and a remote service, each with their own models.

 The main advantages of "feature" modules are:
 - Related code is kept together;
 - Easy to keep;
 - Enforces independence with other features;
 - Packages with a small amount of code;

In a large feature, it can be broken in different Gradle modules inside a parent folder for that feature. In that case, you can have some feature-specific support modules usually named with a prefix or suffix "common".


Unit tests for :charts are written inside the module itself in the charts/src/test/java/br/com/bit/chain/charts folder.

Instrumented tests are placed in :app as a means to easy maintenance. This project uses Dagger as DI framework, which causes some headaches when trying to replace any dependence, It gets a bit easier when the dependency is at root level, as the BASE_URL for REST web services, for instance. See app/src/androidTest/java/br/com/bit/chain/BaseTest.kt to see how I solved it.


This project is split into three flavors.

  • dev
  • stage
  • prod

The idea is that each flavor can point to a different environment, like a different API endpoint, but I also used it to enable running MockWebServer for instrumented tests in Android +8 by configuring the app/src/dev/AndroidManifest.xml and enabling CLEAR TEXT transport. This avoids any possible production build to have that configuration enabled. So it is desirable to run instrumented tests in DevDebug configuration.


This folder contains the definitions of the app Gradle dependencies and some build configs.


If you look at the source code and find some Extensions.kt files, they contain extension functions that execute mapping from a lower layer model to the current layer model.

ktlint and detekt

Both tools are applied to the project with mostly of the standard configurations.


  • Kotlin
  • CardView
  • ConstraintLayout
  • Dagger and Dagger Android
  • Retrofit
  • Okhttp and OkHttpLoggingInterceptor
  • Gson
  • RxJava
  • RxAndroid
  • Android X libraries
  • MPAndroidChart
  • Espresso
  • RxIdler
  • Mockito inline and Mockito Kotlin
  • MockWebServer
  • ktlint and detekt


  • Improve error handling with proper differentiation of errors.
  • create a cache module with a simple abstraction over SharedPreferences.


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