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Block Rotation Animation This JavaScript code creates a simple animation of a rotating block. The animation is achieved by continuously rotating a square block element using CSS transformations.

Description The code creates a

element representing a block with a blue background. It then applies CSS styles to position the block at the center of the screen and sets its initial rotation angle.

A function called animateBlock() is defined to handle the animation. This function is called recursively using requestAnimationFrame() to continuously update the rotation angle and apply it to the block's style.

Usage To use this code, simply include it in your HTML file within a <script> tag, or save it as index.js and link it in your HTML file using a <script> tag.

Example You can see this animation in action by running the code in a web browser. Once executed, a blue square block will appear on the screen and start rotating continuously.

Contributing Contributions to improve this code or add new features are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request.

Credits This code was written by [julrahmat].

Support For any questions or issues, please contact us.


Block Rotation Animation






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