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Updated brave-clojure "zombie" example to actually get it work and be…
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jumarko committed Jun 11, 2019
1 parent c637494 commit df59e98
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 9 deletions.
40 changes: 31 additions & 9 deletions src/clojure_experiments/brave-clojure/zombie_metaphysics.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(ns clojure-experiments.brave-clojure.zombie-metaphysics
(require [clojure.string :as str]))
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(def example-1 "Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories.\n-- John Wilmot (Earl of Rochester) \n")
(def example-2 "At every party, there are two kinds of people-those who want to go home and those who don't. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other.\n-- Ann Landers \n")
Expand All @@ -25,19 +25,41 @@

(defn- random-quote-words-counts []
(let [quote (get-random-quote)
values (count-words-on-quote quote)]

;; => {"see" 1, "warm" 1, "it" 2, "is" 1, "like" 1, "you" 1, "friendship" 1, "can" 1, "that" 1, "brings" 1, "on" 1, "but" 1, "peeing" 1, "feeling" 1, "yourself" 1, "only" 1, "get" 1, "everyone" 1, "the" 1}

(defn update-words-counts [atomic-counts new-counts]
(merge-with + atomic-counts new-counts))

(update-words-counts (random-quote-words-counts) {"you" 10})
;; => {"more" 1, "going" 1, "doesn" 1, "garage" 1, "you" 12, "than" 1, "church" 1, "standing" 1, "makes" 1, "any" 1, "make" 1, "a" 3, "t" 1, "christian" 1, "car" 1, "to" 1, "in" 1}

(defn- update-atom
(future (let [quote (get-random-quote)
values (count-words-on-quote quote)]
(println quote)
(swap! atomic (partial merge-with + values))))))
(future (let [words-counts (random-quote-words-counts)]
(swap! atomic update-words-counts words-counts)))))

(defn quote-word-count
(quote-word-count 1))
(let [update (partial update-atom (atom {}))]
(take n (repeatedly update)))))
(let [my-atom (atom {})
;; this is a lazy seq!
futures (take n (repeatedly #(update-atom my-atom)))]
(println @my-atom)
;; force futures and wait until they finishes
(run! deref futures)
(println @my-atom))))

(quote-word-count 5)
;;=> prints
;; {}
;; {happen 1, going 1, his 2, horn 1, s 1, science 1, right 2, made 1, of 1, two 2, annoying 2, not 1, birthday 1, is 2, people 2, you 2, fiction 1, closer 1, those 1, just 1, for 1, screen 1, read 2, my 1, chair 1, recipes 1, already 1, that 1, same 1, go 2, nothing 2, think 1, brakes 1, moved 1, have 3, couldn 1, so 4, interrupting 2, on 2, tvs 1, when 2, t 1, and 1, i 7, one 2, louder 1, big 1, husband 1, talking 2, re 2, well 1, repair 1, your 2, way 1, to 5, get 1, we 1, as 2, end 1, the 3, wanted 1, there 2}

; the line below is required for the exercise
(quote-word-count 5)

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