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Jumogehn H edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 19 revisions

Test without compiling or installing on Ubuntu/Linux

Anyone can test image jumogehn/tutorial like this on Ubuntu/Linux (Only tested with Ubuntu 20.04)

# xhost +local:
# XSOCK=/tmp/.X11-unix
# docker run -v $XSOCK:$XSOCK jumogehn/tutorial:0.1

Reference :

Install WxWidgets in Windows

  • Use cmake-gui.
  • Configure with x64 unless you want WIN32.
  • Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX other place than Program Files directory. Space in a directory name makes unix style tools(gvim and friends) foolish.
  • Set wxBUILD_SAMPLES 'ALL' to see sample wxwidgets' apps.
  • Set wxBUILD_VENDOR any string you want. I've set it to "happynhealthy".
  • Launch Visual Studio with admin privilege.
  • Openup wxWidgets.sln under the build directory.
  • Compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL for both Debug and Release.
  • Finally set environment variable $(wxwin) to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX where the wxWidgets are installed.(ex. C:\wx-3.1.5) This veriable wouldn't needed if you installed this library under Program Files directory. But you didn't and you need this variable to be set. find_package() of cmake use this variable to find wxWidgets from you Windows.

Install WxWidgets in Ubuntu 20.04 focal

sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnupg gnupg2 gnupg1
sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
sudo apt install software-properties-common  << 지역과 도시 선택!

Check the architecture of your system with

dpkg --print-architecture

Under amd64 architecture

sudo apt-add-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] focal universe'

Under intel architecture?? Really??

sudo apt-add-repository 'deb focal universe'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libwxbase3.1-0-unofficial libwxbase3.1unofficial-dev libwxgtk3.1-0-unofficial libwxgtk3.1unofficial-dev wx3.1-headers wx-common libwxgtk-media3.1-0-unofficial
sudo apt install libwxgtk-media3.1unofficial-dev libwxgtk-webview3.1-0-unofficial libwxgtk-webview3.1unofficial-dev libwxgtk-webview3.1-0-unofficial-dbg libwxbase3.1-0-unofficial-dbg
sudo apt install libwxgtk3.1-0-unofficial-dbg libwxgtk-media3.1-0-unofficial-dbg wx3.1-i18n wx3.1-examples

Reference :

Compile wxwidgets_tutorial in Ubuntu/Linux

  • Use cmake-gui.
  • Set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to either Debug or Release.
  • Configure again with your changed variables and Generate.
  • cd build directory and make whatever targets you want.

(Your)/tutorial docker image can be built (if you have an account in

# cd /build
# make package
# cp tutorialpkg-0.1.1-Linux.deb ../src
# cd ../src
# docker build -t (my)/tutorial:0.1 .

Compile wxwidgets_tutorial in Windows

  • Use cmake-gui.
  • Configure with x64 unless you want WIN32.
  • Check wxWidgets_LIB_DIR(C:/wx-3.1.5/lib/vc_x64_dll), wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR(C:/wx-3.1.5) are set correctly.
  • Set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to either Debug or Release.
  • Configure again with your changed variables and Generate.
  • Openup wxwidgets-tutorial.sln under the build directory.
  • Admin privilege is not needed.
  • Change Console to Windows from the property of the main project's - tutorial - Linker > System > Sub System
  • Compile ALL_BUILD and PACKAGE.
  • Launching app from the visual studio fails because the wxWidgets DLL path is not add the the environment variable PATH. Instead you can test from _CPack_Packages/win64/NSIS/tutorial-0.1.1-win64/bin