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jumutc committed Sep 18, 2015
1 parent a177655 commit d88d103
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Showing 7 changed files with 77 additions and 75 deletions.
33 changes: 6 additions & 27 deletions src/SALSA.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ export salsa,
# global optimization
CSA, DS, GlobalOpt,
csa, ds,
# cross-validation criterion
Expand All @@ -53,14 +54,14 @@ export salsa,
# core algorithmic schemas

using MLBase, Distributions, Compat, Distances, Clustering
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,29 +107,7 @@ include("tune_algorithm.jl")
# main runnable source
# fine printing out

# extensive set of multiplicated aliases for different algorithms and models /// dense matrices
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,1}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,2}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{A <: Algorithm, N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(alg::Type{A}, X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,1}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(LINEAR,alg(),HINGE),Xtest)
salsa{A <: Algorithm, N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(alg::Type{A}, X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,2}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(LINEAR,alg(),HINGE),Xtest)
salsa{N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,1}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,2}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,1}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Array{Int64}(0,0))
salsa{N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,2}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Array{Int64}(0,0))
# extensive set of multiplicated aliases for different algorithms and models /// sparse matrices
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{A <: Algorithm, N <: Number}(alg::Type{A}, X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(LINEAR,alg(),HINGE),Xtest)
salsa{A <: Algorithm, N <: Number}(alg::Type{A}, X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(LINEAR,alg(),HINGE),Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,1}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,sparse([]))
salsa{N <: Number}(X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,2}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,sparse([]))
# extensive set of multiplicated aliases for different algorithms and models /// DelimitedFile
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::DelimitedFile, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::DelimitedFile) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::DelimitedFile, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::DelimitedFile) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::DelimitedFile, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::DelimitedFile) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::DelimitedFile, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::DelimitedFile) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)

28 changes: 1 addition & 27 deletions src/SALSAModel.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,30 +112,4 @@ SALSAModel() = SALSAModel(LINEAR,PEGASOS(),HINGE)
SALSAModel{K <: Kernel}(kernel::Type{K}, model) = SALSAModel(model.mode,model.algorithm,model.loss_function,kernel=kernel,process_labels=model.process_labels,validation_criterion=model.validation_criterion)
SALSAModel{A <: Algorithm}(algorithm::A, model) = SALSAModel(model.mode,algorithm,model.loss_function,kernel=model.kernel,process_labels=model.process_labels,validation_criterion=model.validation_criterion)
SALSAModel{L <: Loss}(loss_function::Type{L}, model) = SALSAModel(model.mode,model.algorithm,loss_function,kernel=model.kernel,process_labels=model.process_labels,validation_criterion=model.validation_criterion)
SALSAModel{M <: Mode}(mode::Type{M}, model) = SALSAModel(mode,model.algorithm,model.loss_function,kernel=model.kernel,process_labels=model.process_labels,validation_criterion=model.validation_criterion)

check_printable(value) = typeof(value) <: Array || typeof(value) <: Mode
print_value(value) = check_printable(value) ? summary(value) : value

show(io::IO, t::PEGASOS) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Pegasos: Primal Estimated sub-GrAdient SOlver for SVM"
show(io::IO, t::L1RDA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "l1-Regularized Dual Averaging"
show(io::IO, t::R_L1RDA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Reweighted l1-Regularized Dual Averaging"
show(io::IO, t::R_L2RDA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Reweighted l2-Regularized Dual Averaging"
show(io::IO, t::ADA_L1RDA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Adaptive l1-Regularized Dual Averaging"
show(io::IO, t::DROP_OUT) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Dropout Pegasos (experimental)"
show(io::IO, t::SIMPLE_SGD) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Stochastic Gradient Descent"

function show(io::IO, model::SALSAModel)
print_with_color(:blue, io, "SALSA model:\n")
for field in fieldnames(model)
value = getfield(model,field)
field == :output ? println() : @printf io "\t%s : %s\n" field print_value(value)
print_with_color(:blue, io, "SALSA model.output:\n")
for field in fieldnames(model.output)
if isdefined(model.output,field)
value = getfield(model.output,field)
@printf io "\t%s : %s\n" field print_value(value)
SALSAModel{M <: Mode}(mode::Type{M}, model) = SALSAModel(mode,model.algorithm,model.loss_function,kernel=model.kernel,process_labels=model.process_labels,validation_criterion=model.validation_criterion)
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions src/kernels/kernels.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,8 +19,4 @@ include("polynomial_kernel.jl")

kernel_from_parameters{T<:Kernel}(k::Type{T}, parameters) = k(parameters...)
kernel_from_data_model{T<:Kernel}(k::Type{T}, X) = isempty(fieldnames(k)) ? k() : k(rand(length(fieldnames(k)))...)

show(io::IO, t::Type{RBFKernel}) = @printf io "SALSA.RBFKernel (%s)" "Radial Basis Function kernel, i.e. k(x,y) = exp(-||x - y||^2/(2σ^2))"
show(io::IO, t::Type{PolynomialKernel}) = @printf io "SALSA.PolynomialKernel (%s)" "Polynomial kernel, i.e. k(x,y) = (<x,y> + τ)^d"
show(io::IO, t::Type{LinearKernel}) = @printf io "SALSA.LinearKernel (%s)" "Linear kernel, i.e. k(x,y) = <x,y>"
kernel_from_data_model{T<:Kernel}(k::Type{T}, X) = isempty(fieldnames(k)) ? k() : k(rand(length(fieldnames(k)))...)
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions src/loss_derivative.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,11 +92,4 @@ loss_derivative(::Type{SQUARED_HINGE}) = squared_hinge_loss_derivative
loss_derivative(::Type{MODIFIED_HUBER}) = modified_huber_loss_derivative
loss_derivative(::Type{PINBALL},tau::Float64) = (At,yt,w) -> pinball_loss_derivative(At,yt,w,tau)
loss_derivative{A <: Algorithm, M <: Euclidean}(alg::RK_MEANS{A,M}) = (At::Matrix,yt,w) -> reduce((d0,i) -> d0 + (w - At[:,i]), zeros(size(At,1),1), 1:1:size(At,2))
loss_derivative{A <: Algorithm, M <: CosineDist}(alg::RK_MEANS{A,M}) = (At::Matrix,yt,w) -> begin idx = find(evaluate(At,yt,w) .<= 0); -sum(At[:,idx],2) end

show(io::IO, t::Type{HINGE}) = @printf io "SALSA.HINGE (%s)" "Hinge Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = max(0,1 - yp)"
show(io::IO, t::Type{LOGISTIC}) = @printf io "SALSA.LOGISTIC (%s)" "Logistic Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = log(1 + exp(-yp))"
show(io::IO, t::Type{LEAST_SQUARES}) = @printf io "SALSA.LEAST_SQUARES (%s)" "Squared Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = 1/2*(p - y)^2"
show(io::IO, t::Type{SQUARED_HINGE}) = @printf io "SALSA.SQUARED_HINGE (%s)" "Squared Hinge Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = max(0,1 - yp)^2"
show(io::IO, t::Type{PINBALL}) = @printf io "SALSA.PINBALL (%s)" "Pinball (quantile) Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = τI(yp>=1)yp + I(yp<1)(1 - yp)"
show(io::IO, t::Type{MODIFIED_HUBER}) = @printf io "SALSA.MODIFIED_HUBER (%s)" "Modified Huber Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = -4I(yp<-1)yp + I(yp>=-1)max(0,1 - yp)^2"
loss_derivative{A <: Algorithm, M <: CosineDist}(alg::RK_MEANS{A,M}) = (At::Matrix,yt,w) -> begin idx = find(evaluate(At,yt,w) .<= 0); -sum(At[:,idx],2) end
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/print.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
check_printable(value) = typeof(value) <: Array || typeof(value) <: Mode
print_value(value) = check_printable(value) ? summary(value) : value

show(io::IO, t::PEGASOS) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Pegasos: Primal Estimated sub-GrAdient SOlver for SVM"
show(io::IO, t::L1RDA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "l1-Regularized Dual Averaging"
show(io::IO, t::R_L1RDA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Reweighted l1-Regularized Dual Averaging"
show(io::IO, t::R_L2RDA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Reweighted l2-Regularized Dual Averaging"
show(io::IO, t::ADA_L1RDA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Adaptive l1-Regularized Dual Averaging"
show(io::IO, t::DROP_OUT) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Dropout Pegasos (experimental)"
show(io::IO, t::SIMPLE_SGD) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Stochastic Gradient Descent"

show(io::IO, t::MSE) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Mean Squared Error"
show(io::IO, t::MISCLASS) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Misclassification Rate"
show(io::IO, t::SILHOUETTE) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Silhouette Index"
show(io::IO, t::AUC) = @printf io "%s (%s with %d thresholds)" typeof(t) "Area Under ROC Curve" t.n_thresholds
show(io::IO, t::CSA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Coupled Simulated Annealing"
show(io::IO, t::DS) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Directional Search"

show(io::IO, t::Type{HINGE}) = @printf io "SALSA.HINGE (%s)" "Hinge Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = max(0,1 - yp)"
show(io::IO, t::Type{LOGISTIC}) = @printf io "SALSA.LOGISTIC (%s)" "Logistic Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = log(1 + exp(-yp))"
show(io::IO, t::Type{LEAST_SQUARES}) = @printf io "SALSA.LEAST_SQUARES (%s)" "Squared Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = 1/2*(p - y)^2"
show(io::IO, t::Type{SQUARED_HINGE}) = @printf io "SALSA.SQUARED_HINGE (%s)" "Squared Hinge Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = max(0,1 - yp)^2"
show(io::IO, t::Type{PINBALL}) = @printf io "SALSA.PINBALL (%s)" "Pinball (quantile) Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = τI(yp>=1)yp + I(yp<1)(1 - yp)"
show(io::IO, t::Type{MODIFIED_HUBER}) = @printf io "SALSA.MODIFIED_HUBER (%s)" "Modified Huber Loss, i.e. l(y,p) = -4I(yp<-1)yp + I(yp>=-1)max(0,1 - yp)^2"

show(io::IO, t::Type{RBFKernel}) = @printf io "SALSA.RBFKernel (%s)" "Radial Basis Function kernel, i.e. k(x,y) = exp(-||x - y||^2/(2σ^2))"
show(io::IO, t::Type{PolynomialKernel}) = @printf io "SALSA.PolynomialKernel (%s)" "Polynomial kernel, i.e. k(x,y) = (<x,y> + τ)^d"
show(io::IO, t::Type{LinearKernel}) = @printf io "SALSA.LinearKernel (%s)" "Linear kernel, i.e. k(x,y) = <x,y>"

function show(io::IO, model::SALSAModel)
print_with_color(:blue, io, "SALSA model:\n")
for field in fieldnames(model)
value = getfield(model,field)
field == :output ? println() : @printf io "\t%s : %s\n" field print_value(value)
print_with_color(:blue, io, "SALSA model.output:\n")
for field in fieldnames(model.output)
if isdefined(model.output,field)
value = getfield(model.output,field)
@printf io "\t%s : %s\n" field print_value(value)
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/salsa_main.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,3 +73,27 @@ function salsa(X, Y, model::SALSAModel)

# extensive set of multiplicated aliases for different algorithms and models /// dense matrices
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,1}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,2}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{A <: Algorithm, N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(alg::Type{A}, X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,1}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(LINEAR,alg(),HINGE),Xtest)
salsa{A <: Algorithm, N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(alg::Type{A}, X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,2}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(LINEAR,alg(),HINGE),Xtest)
salsa{N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,1}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,2}, Xtest::Array{N1,2}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,1}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Array{Int64}(0,0))
salsa{N1 <: Number, N2 <: Number}(X::Array{N1,2}, Y::Array{N2,2}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Array{Int64}(0,0))
# extensive set of multiplicated aliases for different algorithms and models /// sparse matrices
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{A <: Algorithm, N <: Number}(alg::Type{A}, X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(LINEAR,alg(),HINGE),Xtest)
salsa{A <: Algorithm, N <: Number}(alg::Type{A}, X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(LINEAR,alg(),HINGE),Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::SparseMatrixCSC) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,1}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,sparse([]))
salsa{N <: Number}(X::SparseMatrixCSC, Y::Array{N,2}) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,sparse([]))
# extensive set of multiplicated aliases for different algorithms and models /// DelimitedFile
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::DelimitedFile, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::DelimitedFile) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{L <: Loss, A <: Algorithm, M <: Mode, N <: Number}(mode::Type{M}, alg::Type{A}, loss::Type{L}, X::DelimitedFile, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::DelimitedFile) = salsa(X,Y,SALSAModel(mode,alg(),loss),Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::DelimitedFile, Y::Array{N,1}, Xtest::DelimitedFile) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
salsa{N <: Number}(X::DelimitedFile, Y::Array{N,2}, Xtest::DelimitedFile) = salsa(LINEAR,PEGASOS,HINGE,X,Y,Xtest)
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions src/support/constants.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,11 +14,4 @@ immutable DS <: GlobalOpt

DS() = DS(Array(Float64,0))
AUC() = AUC(100)

show(io::IO, t::MSE) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Mean Squared Error"
show(io::IO, t::MISCLASS) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Misclassification Rate"
show(io::IO, t::SILHOUETTE) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Silhouette Index"
show(io::IO, t::AUC) = @printf io "%s (%s with %d thresholds)" typeof(t) "Area Under ROC Curve" t.n_thresholds
show(io::IO, t::CSA) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Coupled Simulated Annealing"
show(io::IO, t::DS) = @printf io "%s (%s)" typeof(t) "Directional Search"
AUC() = AUC(100)

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