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Cli for


To run the command will need to have a google APi Key. Contact the slack channel for the key. For initial setup you will require an API key and project directory of daamireview.


For installation (Use virtualenv if possible)

virtualenv setup

virtualenv daami
source daami/bin/activate
# for windows

then install the package

pip install daami-cli


For first time setup

daami-cli setup 
Project: (provide your daamireview folder path)
Api key: (the api key )
Tmdb key : (the tmdb key)
Author: (your author name)

Once done use review to create the review in _posts folder

daami-cli review
Title: (article title)
Movie: (movie name being reviewed)
Language: (the language the movie is in)
Rating: (a floating num)

To delete the posts use delete function

daami-cli delete -m balidaan
# delete with date
daami-cli delete -d 6/20/20
# delete with since this will delete all files after a date
daami-cli delete -s 5/18/20