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:shipit: GitHub pages for angular-cli users. Publish to any gh-pages branch on GitHub (or any other branch on any other remote). Available on NPM.

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Publish to any gh-pages branch on GitHub (or any other branch on any other remote).
Made for angular-cli users.
Made with Travis-CI in mind.
Brought to you by the team!


This command is similar to the old github-pages:deploy command of @angular/cli which was removed in #4385. The angular-cli-ghpages command is able to push to any branch on any repository. It's made on top of tschaub/gh-pages. This script works great on Travis-CI. No git credentials must be set up in before. Specific environment variables of Travis-CI are evaluated, too. You will like it!

Installation & Setup

This command has the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js 4.x
  • Git 1.7.6 or higher
  • optional: Angular project created via angular-cli

To install the command run the following:

npm i -g angular-cli-ghpages


Execute angular-cli-ghpages in order to deploy the project with a build from dist folder.
Note: you have to create the dist folder in before (e.g. ng build --prod)


ng build --prod --base-href ""
angular-cli-ghpages [OPTIONS]

there is also a shorter ngh command available

ng build --prod --base-href ""

If you want to push to gh-pages on the same repository with your default credentials, then just enter ngh without any options.


  • Example: ngh --help

Output usage information.

  • Example: ngh --version

Output the version number. Please provide the version number on any bug report!

  • optional
  • Default: url of the origin remote of the current dir (assumes a git repository)
  • Example: ngh --repo=

By default, gh-pages assumes that the current working directory is a git repository, and that you want to push changes to the origin remote. If instead your files are not in a git repository, or if you want to push to another repository, you can provide the repository URL in the repo option.

  • optional
  • Default: Auto-generated commit
  • Example: ngh --message="What could possibly go wrong?"

The commit message, must be wrapped in quotes.
Some handy additional text is always added, if the environment variable process.env.TRAVIS exists (for Travis CI).

  • optional
  • Default: gh-pages
  • Example: ngh --branch=other-branch

The name of the branch you'll be pushing to. The default uses GitHub's gh-pages branch, but this can be configured to push to any branch on any remote.

  • optional
  • Default: value of git config and git config
  • Example: ngh --name="Displayed Username"

If you are running the command in a repository without a or git config properties (or on a machine without these global config properties), you must provide user info before git allows you to commit. In this case provide both name and email string values to identify the committer.

  • optional
  • Default: silent true (boolean)
  • Example:
    • ngh -- Logging is in silent mode by default.
    • ngh --no-silent -- Logging shows extended information.

Logging is in silent mode by default. In silent mode log messages are suppressed and error messages are sanitized.

The --no-silent option enables extended console logging. Keep this untouched if the repository URL or other information passed to git commands is sensitive!

WARNING: This option should kept like it is if the repository URL or other information passed to git commands is sensitive and should not be logged (== you have a public build server). By default the silent mode is enabled to avoid sensitive data exposure.

  • optional
  • Default: dist

Directory for all published sources, relative to the project-root.
Most probably no change is required here. This option can be used to deploy completely different folders, which are not related at all to angular.

  • optional
  • Default: dotfiles true (boolean)
  • Example:
    • ngh -- Dotfiles are included by default.
    • ngh --no-dotfiles -- Dotfiles are ignored.

The command includes dotfiles by default (e.g .htaccess will be committed) With --no-dotfiles files starting with . are ignored.


For your convenience, the command will recognize the environment variable GH_TOKEN and will replace this pattern in the --repo string. Please do NOT disable the silent mode if you have any credentials in the repository URL! Read more about Github tokens here.

In example, the following command runs on our Travis-CI:

angular-cli-ghpages --repo= --name="Displayed Username" --email=mail@example.orf

You have to treat the GH_TOKEN as secure as a password!

About the 404 page (specific to github pages only)

The old github-pages:deploy command created a 404.html file in the dist folder. This was required to fully support the router PathLocationStrategy. Right now you have to copy index.html to 404.html on your own. Please submit an issue if you really want this feature back.


ng build
cp dist/index.html dist/404.html
angular-cli-ghpages [OPTIONS]

Development Hints for hacking on angular-cli-ghpages

git clone
cd angular-cli-ghpages
npm link

npm link is very similar to npm install -g except that instead of downloading the package from the NPM repo, the just cloned angular-cli-ghpages/ folder becomes the global package.

Now you can use ngh via the command line. Please read the official npm-link documentation and the npm-link cheatsheet for more information.


Code released under the MIT license.


:shipit: GitHub pages for angular-cli users. Publish to any gh-pages branch on GitHub (or any other branch on any other remote). Available on NPM.






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