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Circle CI and more query options

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@jupe jupe released this 27 Jan 15:42
· 63 commits to master since this release

This release brings to, x and d options for query and replace travis with circle.

x(explain)=<'queryPlanner', 'executionStats', 'allPlansExecution'>
d(allowDiskUse)=<'true', 'false'>

NOTE: allowEval option is dropped since its not needed actually.

new options

add more query options (#66)

CI update

Create config.yml (#64)

deprecate updates

replace deprecated call collection.count() with countDocuments() (#63)

dep updates

chore(package): update mongoose to version 5.2.12 (#58)
chore(package): update mongoose to version 5.2.13 (#59)
chore(package): update mongoose to version 5.2.14 (#65)
chore(package): update eslint-plugin-chai-expect to version 2.0.1 (#61)
chore(package): update eslint-plugin-node to version 8.0.0 (#62)