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jupyter lab build fails with "Invalid value type" referencing path the build script injects #6605

ScriptPup opened this issue Jun 18, 2019 · 1 comment


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ScriptPup commented Jun 18, 2019

Hi there!

I haven't been able to find a resolution to this issue anywhere. I've exhausted my ability to troubleshoot and google so I hope someone here can assist.

Describe the bug
I am trying to install a jupyterlab extension but get vague file-lock errors when I run jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.38 --debug. After banging my head on it I finally wised up and ran jupyter labextension list and found that the extension shows up with a 'Build recommended' message. I ran the build and received the following errors

PS D:\GSA_Projects\Jupyter> jupyter-lab build
[LabBuildApp] JupyterLab 0.35.6
[LabBuildApp] Cleaning c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab
Cleaning c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab...
[LabBuildApp] Building in c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab
[LabBuildApp] Node v12.3.1

[LabBuildApp] > node c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyterlab\staging\yarn.js install
yarn install v1.9.4
error An unexpected error occurred: "Invalid value type 1:10 in c:\\programdata\\anaconda3\\share\\jupyter\\lab\\staging\\.yarnrc".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "c:\\programdata\\anaconda3\\share\\jupyter\\lab\\staging\\yarn-error.log".
info Visit for documentation about this command.
[LabBuildApp] > node c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyterlab\staging\yarn.js run build
yarn run v1.9.4
error An unexpected error occurred: "Invalid value type 1:10 in c:\\programdata\\anaconda3\\share\\jupyter\\lab\\staging\\.yarnrc".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "c:\\programdata\\anaconda3\\share\\jupyter\\lab\\staging\\yarn-error.log".
info Visit for documentation about this command.

I checked the referenced file: c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab\staging\.yarnrc

and found that it contains only: yarn-path "C:\Users<MYUSERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn\bin\yarn.js"

I assume the issue is the unescaped backslashes. Guessing this, I tried changing the variable to yarn-path "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn\bin\yarn.js"

I don't know if this would have resolved the issue, as the build process seems to overwrite the file rather than taking the values passed. I tried adding a .yarnrc file in my project folder with the yarn-path as well, but that didn't seem to make a difference at all.

I searched to find whether there was a variable somewhere which this path was being pulled from with the intention of changing it to an escaped path, but couldn't figure out where it was being pulled from.

To Reproduce

  1. Install jupyter and jupyterlab using the guide here

  2. Run command jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.38 --debug

  3. Run command jupyter lab build or jupyter-lab build

Expected behavior
I expect the jupyterlab extension to be installed and the build to run cleanly/complete without terminating errors.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser N/A, but Chrome
  • JupyterLab 0.35.6
  • NTLM proxied environment (setup in .yarnrc and .npmrc and I'm able to install from yarn or npm alone without an issue)

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

If available, please include the following details:

Troubleshoot Output
PS D:\GSA_Projects\Jupyter> jupyter troubleshoot
        C:\Program Files\Teradata\Client\16.20\bin
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradata\Client\16.20\bin
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath
        C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\
        C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL
        C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT
        C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DTS\Binn\
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server
        C:\Program Files\Git\cmd
        D:\Microsoft VS Code\bin
        D:\Program Files\nodejs\
        D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradata\Client\16.10\bin
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim80
        C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\scripts
        C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0



3.6.5 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Mar 29 2018, 13:32:41) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]


where jupyter:

pip list:
Package Version
---------------------------------- ----------
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bitarray 0.8.1
bkcharts 0.2
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bleach 2.1.3
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boto 2.48.0
Bottleneck 1.2.1
certifi 2018.4.16
cffi 1.11.5
chardet 3.0.4
click 6.7
cloudpickle 0.5.3
clyent 1.2.2
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decorator 4.3.0
distributed 1.21.8
docutils 0.14
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SQLAlchemy-Utils 0.33.11
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TableauSDK2Py3 0.1.0
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conda list:
# packages in environment at C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3:
# Name Version Build Channel
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wrapt 1.10.11 py36he5f5981_0
xlrd 1.1.0 py36h1cb58dc_1
xlsxwriter 1.0.4 py36_0
xlwings 0.11.8 py36_0
xlwt 1.3.0 py36h1a4751e_0
yaml 0.1.7 hc54c509_2
zeromq 4.2.5 hc6251cf_0
zict 0.1.3 py36h2d8e73e_0
zlib 1.2.11 h8395fce_2
PS D:\GSA_Projects\Jupyter>

Command Line Output
PS D:\GSA_Projects\Jupyter> jupyter lab --debug
[D 13:22:00.535 LabApp] Searching ['D:\\GSA_Projects\\Jupyter', 'd:\\home\\.jupyter', 'c:\\programdata\\anaconda3\\etc\\jupyter', 'C:\\ProgramData\\jupyter'] for config files
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Looking for jupyter_config in C:\ProgramData\jupyter
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Looking for jupyter_config in c:\programdata\anaconda3\etc\jupyter
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Looking for jupyter_config in d:\home\.jupyter
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Looking for jupyter_config in D:\GSA_Projects\Jupyter
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in C:\ProgramData\jupyter
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in c:\programdata\anaconda3\etc\jupyter
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in d:\home\.jupyter
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Loaded config file: d:\home\.jupyter\
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Loaded config file: d:\home\.jupyter\jupyter_notebook_config.json
[D 13:22:00.545 LabApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in D:\GSA_Projects\Jupyter
[W 13:22:01.086 LabApp] WARNING: The notebook server is listening on all IP addresses and not using encryption. This is not recommended.
[W 13:22:01.086 LabApp] WARNING: The notebook server is listening on all IP addresses and not using authentication. This is highly insecure and not recommended.
[D 13:22:01.168 LabApp] Paths used for configuration of jupyter_notebook_config:
[D 13:22:01.168 LabApp] Paths used for configuration of jupyter_notebook_config:
[D 13:22:01.168 LabApp] Paths used for configuration of jupyter_notebook_config:
[D 13:22:01.287 LabApp] [jupyter_nbextensions_configurator] Loading 0.4.1
[D 13:22:01.287 LabApp] [jupyter_nbextensions_configurator]   Editing templates path to add c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyter_nbextensions_configurator\templates
[D 13:22:01.287 LabApp] [jupyter_nbextensions_configurator]   Editing nbextensions path to add c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyter_nbextensions_configurator\static
[D 13:22:01.287 LabApp] [jupyter_nbextensions_configurator]   Adding new handlers
[I 13:22:01.296 LabApp] [jupyter_nbextensions_configurator] enabled 0.4.1
[I 13:22:01.306 LabApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyterlab
[I 13:22:01.306 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab
[W 13:22:01.306 LabApp] JupyterLab server extension not enabled, manually loading...
[I 13:22:01.316 LabApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyterlab
[I 13:22:01.316 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab
[I 13:22:01.316 LabApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: D:\GSA_Projects\Jupyter
[I 13:22:01.316 LabApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 13:22:01.323 LabApp] http://(W10CMQVC42 or
[I 13:22:01.323 LabApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[D 13:22:01.340 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357/channels
[W 13:22:01.367 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357/channels?session_id=03485ff8-0018-4e3c-a052-741ebdba3c22 ( Kernel does not exist: e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357
[D 13:22:01.367 LabApp] Using contents: services/contents
[D 13:22:01.495 LabApp] Path base/images/favicon.ico served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\base\images\favicon.ico
[D 13:22:01.495 LabApp] Path components/jquery-ui/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\components\jquery-ui\themes\smoothness\jquery-ui.min.css
[D 13:22:01.505 LabApp] Path components/jquery-typeahead/dist/jquery.typeahead.min.css served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\components\jquery-typeahead\dist\jquery.typeahead.min.css
[D 13:22:01.525 LabApp] Path style/style.min.css served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\style\style.min.css
[D 13:22:01.545 LabApp] Path components/es6-promise/promise.min.js served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\components\es6-promise\promise.min.js
[D 13:22:01.555 LabApp] Path components/preact/index.js served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\components\preact\index.js
[D 13:22:01.575 LabApp] Path components/proptypes/index.js served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\components\proptypes\index.js
[D 13:22:01.595 LabApp] Path components/preact-compat/index.js served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\components\preact-compat\index.js
[D 13:22:01.685 LabApp] Path components/requirejs/require.js served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\components\requirejs\require.js
[D 13:22:01.725 LabApp] Path base/images/logo.png served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\notebook\static\base\images\logo.png
[W 13:22:01.735 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357/channels?session_id=03485ff8-0018-4e3c-a052-741ebdba3c22 ( 394.69ms referer=None
[D 13:22:01.741 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels
[W 13:22:01.742 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels?session_id=d6c87ad7-4657-432b-a2bf-562b36bb38ec (::1): Kernel does not exist: 71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1
[D 13:22:01.742 LabApp] Using contents: services/contents
[W 13:22:01.744 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels?session_id=d6c87ad7-4657-432b-a2bf-562b36bb38ec (::1) 3.00ms referer=None
[D 13:22:02.403 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels
[W 13:22:02.404 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels?session_id=5e2700c0-fb91-4c54-8e5e-46650dd6db94 (::1): Kernel does not exist: 71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1
[D 13:22:02.404 LabApp] Using contents: services/contents
[W 13:22:02.406 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels?session_id=5e2700c0-fb91-4c54-8e5e-46650dd6db94 (::1) 3.98ms referer=None
[D 13:22:03.090 LabApp] Using contents: services/contents
[D 13:22:03.094 LabApp] 304 GET /lab (::1) 4.00ms
[D 13:22:03.112 LabApp] Path vendors~main.f9970a3aaa7bcf00f284.js served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab\static\vendors~main.f9970a3aaa7bcf00f284.js
[D 13:22:03.115 LabApp] 304 GET /lab/static/vendors~main.f9970a3aaa7bcf00f284.js (::1) 3.00ms
[D 13:22:03.117 LabApp] Path main.bc94d57795ac5fae95a7.js served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab\static\main.bc94d57795ac5fae95a7.js
[D 13:22:03.118 LabApp] 304 GET /lab/static/main.bc94d57795ac5fae95a7.js (::1) 2.00ms
[D 13:22:03.528 LabApp] Found kernel python3 in c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\kernels
[D 13:22:03.535 LabApp] 200 GET /api/kernelspecs?1560882123522 (::1) 8.01ms
[D 13:22:03.537 LabApp] 200 GET /api/terminals?1560882123524 (::1) 1.00ms
[D 13:22:03.566 LabApp] 200 GET /lab/api/settings/@jupyterlab/application-extension:sidebar?1560882123559 (::1) 3.00ms
[D 13:22:03.571 LabApp] 200 GET /lab/api/settings/@jupyterlab/docmanager-extension:plugin?1560882123562 (::1) 3.00ms
[D 13:22:03.575 LabApp] 200 GET /lab/api/settings/@jupyterlab/apputils-extension:themes?1560882123564 (::1) 3.00ms
[D 13:22:03.588 LabApp] 200 GET /lab/api/settings/@jupyterlab/shortcuts-extension:plugin?1560882123560 (::1) 12.00ms
[D 13:22:03.598 LabApp] 200 GET /api/sessions?1560882123594 (::1) 1.00ms
[D 13:22:03.659 LabApp] Path @jupyterlab\theme-light-extension\index.css served from c:\programdata\anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab\themes\@jupyterlab\theme-light-extension\index.css
[D 13:22:03.660 LabApp] 304 GET /lab/api/themes/@jupyterlab/theme-light-extension/index.css (::1) 2.00ms
[D 13:22:10.438 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357/channels
[W 13:22:10.438 LabApp] Replacing stale connection: e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357:03485ff8-0018-4e3c-a052-741ebdba3c22
[D 13:22:10.762 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels
[W 13:22:10.762 LabApp] Replacing stale connection: 71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1:d6c87ad7-4657-432b-a2bf-562b36bb38ec
[D 13:22:10.912 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels
[W 13:22:10.912 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels?session_id=02b19262-a606-432a-a490-3d0e46dae86c ( Kernel does not exist: 71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1
[D 13:22:10.912 LabApp] Using contents: services/contents
[W 13:22:10.922 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels?session_id=02b19262-a606-432a-a490-3d0e46dae86c ( 9.99ms referer=None
[D 13:22:11.032 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357/channels
[W 13:22:11.032 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357/channels?session_id=4a9519fa-560a-449b-b9f6-adadd300ba29 ( Kernel does not exist: e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357
[D 13:22:11.032 LabApp] Using contents: services/contents
[W 13:22:11.042 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/e0803753-94f4-4bae-8bbb-56d9dc473357/channels?session_id=4a9519fa-560a-449b-b9f6-adadd300ba29 ( 10.00ms referer=None
[D 13:22:13.418 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/9436f20b-6b72-4f6a-bf3c-12f46bf7a570/channels
[W 13:22:14.138 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/9436f20b-6b72-4f6a-bf3c-12f46bf7a570/channels?session_id=19ec10b3-ea3b-44de-8b75-078e647ad4a8 ( Kernel does not exist: 9436f20b-6b72-4f6a-bf3c-12f46bf7a570
[D 13:22:14.145 LabApp] Using contents: services/contents
[W 13:22:14.145 LabApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/9436f20b-6b72-4f6a-bf3c-12f46bf7a570/channels?session_id=19ec10b3-ea3b-44de-8b75-078e647ad4a8 ( 727.63ms referer=None
[D 13:22:14.264 LabApp] Initializing websocket connection /api/kernels/71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1/channels
[W 13:22:14.264 LabApp] Replacing stale connection: 71b6341b-c9fe-4f5b-8c26-08072225e7f1:02b19262-a606-432a-a490-3d0e46dae86c
Browser Output
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Is this still an issue? (I realize it has been a while since you filed it)

@jasongrout jasongrout added this to the Reference milestone Mar 9, 2021
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2 participants