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Migration Guide

This guide provides an overview of major (potentially breaking) changes and the steps to follow to update JupyterLite from one version to another.

0.1.0 to 0.2.0


JupyterLite 0.2.0 is based on the JupyterLab 4 and Jupyter Notebook 7 packages.

JupyterLab 4 comes with a couple of breaking changes which likely affect extensions.

If you were using JupyterLab 3 extensions in your JupyterLite deployment, you might have to update to a newer version of the extension that is compatible with JupyterLab 4.

For extensions authors, check out the [extension migration guide]( in the JupyterLab documentation.

Jupyter Notebook 7

In JupyterLite 0.1.x the Notebook interface was provided by RetroLab.

In JupyterLite 0.2.0, the Notebook interface is now provided by Jupyter Notebook 7

Jupyter Notebook 7 is the successor of RetroLab and the Classic Notebook, based on JupyterLab components.

This means the URL have also changed to be aligned with the ones provided by Jupyter Notebook 7:

  • /retro/consoles -> /consoles
  • /retro/edit -> /edit
  • /retro/notebooks -> /notebooks
  • /retro/tree -> /tree

jupyterlite metapackage

In version 0.1.x, installing the jupyterlite metapackage would automatically install the Pyodide kernel by default, since the jupyterlite metapackage would depend on jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel.

In version 0.2.0 this is not the case anymore. You will need to install the jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel explicitely in your build environment alongside jupyterlite-core (the package providing the jupyter-lite CLI).

See the documentation for adding kernels to learn more.

Service Worker

The service worker file name has been changed. In 0.1.0, it was service-worker-[hash].js with the hash computed by webpack, in 0.2.0 the hash is removed and the new file name is service-worker.js.

API changes


  • The Mathjax addon was removed from the jupyterlite-core package. As a consequence the mathjaxConfig and fullMathjaxUrl options in jupyter-lite.json can be removed as they do not have any effect anymore.

    If you would like to use Mathjax 2, it's possible to install jupyterlab-mathjax2. See the jupyter-renderers repository for more information.

    For reference, see the JupyterLab Pull Request that updated to Mathjax 3

@jupyterlite packages

These API changes are only relevant if you are reusing @jupyterlite packages in downstream applications.

  • The IKernel interface exposed by @jupyterlite/kernels has a new get method to retrieve a running kernel by id.

0.1.0b19 to 0.1.0b20


The static assets distributed via the jupyterlite-core package do not include the JavaScript kernel anymore.

Instead the JavaScript kernel is now distributed via the separate jupyterlite-javascript-kernel package.

If you would like to include the JavaScript kernel in your deployment you will have to first install it before building the JupyterLite site. For example with:

python -m pip install jupyterlite-javascript-kernel

Or add it to the LiteBuildConfig/federated_extensions config entry.

Currently the jupyterlite package still includes the JavaScript kernel via a dependency on jupyterlite-javascript-kernel. But this might change in a future version.

We recommend you start using the jupyterlite-core package directly for your deployments, and explicitly add more kernels such as jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel or jupyterlite-javascript-kernel.

0.1.0b18 to 0.1.0b19


This release introduces a new jupyterlite-core package in addition to the existing jupyterlite package.

The jupyterlite-core package provides the core functionality for building JupyterLite websites CLI extension points. Currently it only includes a JavaScript kernel that runs in Web Worker. If you would like to include a Python kernel in your deployment yyou will have to first install it before building the JupyterLite site. For example with:

python -m pip install jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel

Or add it to the LiteBuildConfig/federated_extensions config entry.

The jupyterlite package currently provides a couple of shims as well as the Pyodide kernel for better compatibility with existing deployments.

We recommend you start using the jupyterlite-core package for your deployments, and additionally install a Python kernel such as jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel or jupyterlite-xeus-python.


The Pyodide kernel has been moved to its own repo:

Currently it is still installed by default with jupyterlite for convenience, but it is not part of jupyterlite-core.

A consequence of this change is the renaming of the pyolite JavaScript packages:

  • @jupyterlite/pyolite-kernel -> @jupyterlite/pyodide-kernel
  • @jupyterlite/pyolite-kernel-extension -> @jupyterlite/pyodide-kernel-extension

Make sure to update your config if you were making use of litePluginSettings.

0.1.0b17 to 0.1.0b18

The JavaScript kernel now runs in a Web Worker instead of an IFrame, to streamline how default kernels run in JupyterLite.

This might affect custom kernel authors extending the base JavaScriptKernel like

This was changed in the following PR: #711

0.1.0b16 to 0.1.0b17

Use PipliteAddon.piplite_urls instead of LiteBuildConfig.piplite_urls

If you were configuring the piplite_urls option (described in to ship additional wheels at build time, this configuration option has now been moved from LiteBuildConfig.piplite_urls to PipliteAddon.piplite_urls.

If using a jupyter_lite_build.json file, the configuration should look like the following:

  "PipliteAddon": {
    "piplite_urls": ["url-to-wheel1", "url-to-wheel2", "..."]

This was changed in the following PR: #934