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Mohammed Zameel ali edited this page May 17, 2023 · 1 revision
  1. Importing necessary modules:
  • sys: Provides access to system-specific parameters and functions.
  • QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PyQt5: Modules for GUI development.
  1. The UiFriday class is defined, which represents the program's GUI. It has the following attributes:
  • pushButton_2, pushButton: Variables to store references to the two buttons in the GUI.
  • label: Variable to store a reference to a label in the GUI.
  • centralwidget: Variable to store a reference to the central widget of the GUI.
  1. The setup method is defined within the UiFriday class. It configures the GUI elements and sets their properties:
  • It takes a friday parameter, which represents the main window of the application.
  • Sets the size and properties of the main window.
  • Creates the central widget and sets its properties.
  • Adds a label to the central widget and sets its properties, such as size and image.
  • Adds two buttons to the central widget and sets their properties, such as size, font, background color, and text.
  • Sets the central widget as the main widget of the friday window.
  1. The translate method within the UiFriday class is responsible for setting up the text and icon for the GUI elements:
  • It takes the friday parameter, representing the main window.
  • Uses the _translate method to set the window title, icon, and button text.
  1. The main block:
  • Creates an instance of the QApplication class, which manages the GUI application's control flow.
  • Creates the friday window as an instance of QMainWindow.
  • Creates an instance of the UiFriday class and calls its setup method, passing the friday window.
  • Shows the friday window.
  • Starts the event loop by calling app.exec_(), which runs the application until the user closes the window or exits the program.

Overall, this code sets up a simple GUI window with a label and two buttons, allowing the user to initialize or terminate a program called "FRIDAY".

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