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Adding Custom Vehicle Logos

Hannele Ruiz edited this page Mar 24, 2021 · 2 revisions

By default, RagePresence uses generic vehicle pictures for the small manufacturer images. You can add custom pictures by creating a custom Discord Application in the Discord Developer Portal.

Creating the Application

Go to the Discord Developer Portal. If this is the first time that you visit, you might need to agree to some Developer specific Terms of Service.

To create a new App, go to the Applications section and click New Application on the top right.


On the window that will be opened, enter Grand Theft Auto V as the name and click Create.


Congratulations! You now have a Discord Application to customize. For this new Discord Application to work with RagePresence, you will need to update the configuration.

Changing the RagePresence Configuration

By default, RagePresence uses the application created by Lemon. You will need to change it so it uses the new application that you created.

On your Grand Theft Auto V directory, open the file called RagePresence.json. In the file, you will find a section like:

    "client_id": "791461792382451752",

You need to change the numbers for your custom Application Client ID. This can be found on the General Information page of your Discord Application (in this example, is 824231610403913789).


Now, replace the Client ID on the configuration file with the new one and save the file. You are now ready to add the required assets.

Adding the Default Assets

One very important step is to add the default assets for the Map Zones and Vehicle Types. They can be downloaded from the following links:

Once you have downloaded them, you can add them to your application by going to Rich Presence, then Art Assets and then clicking on Add Image(s).


You can add more than one image at once, so feel free to add all of them at once.

Once you have all of the default assets uploaded, you can add your custom manufacturer/make images.

Adding the custom image

Now, we can finally add a custom vehicle logo. First, you can check this Google Drive folder to see if the logo of your vehicle manufacturer has already been made. If not, feel free to make your own with your favorite photo editing program.

Once you have your custom manufacturer image, add it as a Rich Presence asset like the previous step but be aware: The asset name needs to start with man_ (for example: man_toyota).

After uploading the asset, you need to tell RagePresence to use it. You can do this by going to the configuration section called makes and adding a new key/value pair to the JSON object. By default, it will look something like this:

    "makes": {

Let's say that we want to add an image for a Toyota vehicle and the image is called man_toyota. You would need to add a key/value pair where the key is the vehicle make as reported by the game and the value is the name of the image without man_ at the beginning.

    "makes": {
        "TOYOTA": "toyota"

If you are unsure about the make reported by the game, feel free to check the value of vehicleMakeName in your vehicles.meta file.

Now, everything should be working! Feel free to boot the game and test the new image to see if it works.