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Package to send prices to Magento from a Laravel application using a configurable source.


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Laravel Magento Prices

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Package to send prices to Magento from a Laravel application using a configurable source.


The idea is that we want to push prices to Magento but we do not want to rewrite the logic of keeping track and updating prices to Magento. This package can:

  • Retrieve prices from any source
  • Push prices to Magento (base / tier / special)
  • Only update prices in Magento when are modified. i.e. when you retrieve the same price ten times it only updates once to Magento
  • Search for missing prices in Magento
  • Automatically stop syncing when updating fails
  • Logs activities using Spatie activitylog
  • Logs errors using JustBetter Error Logger
  • Checks if Magento products exist using JustBetter Magento Products

Also using customer specific prices? See our other package! We also have a Magento Client to easily connect Laravel to Magento!


Require this package: composer require justbetter/laravel-magento-prices

Publish the config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JustBetter\MagentoPrices\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Publish the activity log's migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Activitylog\ActivitylogServiceProvider" --tag="activitylog-migrations"

Publish the batches table migration:

php artisan queue:batches-table

Run migrations.

Laravel Nova

We have a Laravel Nova integration for this package.


Add the following commands to your scheduler:


    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void

        // Or for example
        $schedule->command(\JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Commands\RetrievePricesCommand::class)->weekly(); // Retrieve all weekly
        $schedule->command('price:retrieve --date=today')->dailyAt('23:00'); // Retrieve updated daily

Retrieving Prices

In order to retrieve prices you have to create two classes. One to retrieve skus and one to retrieve the price(s) per sku.

Price retriever

This class is responsible for retrieving prices for products. Your class must extend \JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Retriever\PriceRetriever. Your class must return a PriceData object or null. The PriceData object is a wrapper around three collections:

  • Base prices
  • Tier prices
  • Special Prices

See the classes BasePriceData and TierPriceData in the JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Data namespace on how to use them.

For example:


namespace JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Retriever;

use JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Data\BasePriceData;
use JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Data\PriceData;
use JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Data\SpecialPriceData;
use JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Data\TierPriceData;
use JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Helpers\MoneyHelper;

class ExamplePriceRetriever extends PriceRetriever
    public function __construct(protected ExternalService $externalService, protected MoneyHelper $moneyHelper) {}

    public function retrieve(string $sku): ?PriceData
        $basePrice = new BasePriceData(

        $tierPrices = $this->externalService->getTierPrices($sku)

        $specialPrices = $this->externalService->getSpecialPrices($sku)

        return new PriceData($sku, collect([$basePrice]), $tierPrices, $specialPrices);

Then register your retriever in the config file config/magento-prices.php:


return [
    'retrievers' => [
        'price' => ExamplePriceRetriever::class,

You can retrieve the price by running: php artisan price:retrieve {sku}

Storing Money

We use Brick/money for storing prices, to create a price use:

 $basePrice = new BasePriceData(
            Money::of(10, config('laravel-magento-prices.currency'))

There is a helper for that which adds precision, context and the rounding mode from the config: JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Helpers\MoneyHelper


To help you get started you can look at the \JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Retriever\DummyPriceRetriever

SKU Retriever

In order to know what SKU's to retrieve prices for you have to create a SKU retriever class. This class must extend \JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Retriever\SkuRetriever.

It is required to have a method that retrieves all skus. You can optionally implement the retrieveByDate method to retrieve updated skus.

And example can be found in \JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Retriever\DummySkuRetriever

Don't forget to register your retriever in the config file config/magento-prices.php:


return [
    'retrievers' => [
        'sku' => MyAwewsomeSkuRetriever::class,

Checking for missing prices

There is a build in action that checks all products in Magento where there is no price or the price is zero. For each product it will automatically start an update or retrieve.

You can run this with the command: php artisan price:missing


The php artisan price:sync command will check the retrieve and update flags and dispatch jobs to retrieve/update the prices. In order to not overload your price source or Magento you can set limits in the config file.


return [
    /* How many price retrieval jobs may be dispatched per sync */
    'retrieve_limit' => 25,

    /* How many prices update jobs may be dispatched per sync */
    'update_limit' => 100,

Long Waits

The sync limits the amount of products that are retrieved/updated each sync. This may result in long waits if not properly configured for the amount of updates you get.

To detect this you can add the \JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Commands\MonitorWaitTimesCommand to your schedule. This will fire the \JustBetter\MagentoPrices\Events\LongWaitDetectedEvent event in which you can for example trigger more updates or send a notification.

You can configure the limits of when the event will be fired in the config:


return [
    'monitor' => [
        /* Max wait time in minutes, if exceeded the LongWaitDetected event is dispatched */
        'retrieval_max_wait' => 30,

        /* Max wait time in minutes, if exceeded the LongWaitDetected event is dispatched */
        'update_max_wait' => 30,

Handling failures

When an update fails it will try again. A fail counter is stored with the model which is increased at each failure. A common failure is a missing required attribute in Magento.

In the config you can specify how many times the update may be attempted:


return [
    /* How many times can a price update failed before being cancelled */
    'fail_count' => 5,

Note This applies to all three types of updates. Base, tier and special.


Events that are dispatched by this package are:


To ensure the quality of this package, run the following command:

composer quality

This will execute three tasks:

  1. Makes sure all tests are passed
  2. Checks for any issues using static code analysis
  3. Checks if the code is correctly formatted


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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Package to send prices to Magento from a Laravel application using a configurable source.



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