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Track DML operations, including merge operations for accounts, contacts and leads

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Salesforce DML History

Capture merge history for accounts, contacts and leads, enabling easy lookups across multiple merge operations while also providing a means to manually undo accidental merges.

Also capture simple DML history, notably for delete operations.


Use the Salesforce DX CLI to deploy the code to your Salesforce org.

sfdx force:source:convert -r force-app -d src
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d src -w 5

Merge History Quick Start

To enable merge history tracking for an object, open the Merge History Trigger custom setting and create a new record for every object where tracking is enabled.

Field Label Description
Name The API name of the object. Currently only "Account", "Contact" and "Lead" are supported.
Active Whether merge history tracking is active for this object

Merge History captures history using Merge Result records. Every result may have sets of fields that follow the same convention as the included sample set.

Field Label Field Name Description
Merged Record ID MergedRecordId__c The Salesforce ID of the merged record
Master Record ID MasterRecordId__c The Salesforce ID of the master record in the merge operation performed
Effective Master Record ID EffectiveMasterRecordId__c The Salesforce ID of the currently surviving master record, if the master record in this merge operation was later merged into another record. This field will always contain the ID of a surviving master record, unless that record was deleted by another non-merge process.

Merge History allows you to add custom fields such as external ID fields to be included in merge results for easy crosswalks or lookups in system integration or data migration use cases.

Let's say your Account object has a custom external ID field named NetsuiteCustomerId__c, and you want to track this field value in merge results.

  1. On the Merge Result object, create a Merged Record field named MergedRecordNetsuiteId__c. Note that the field name must start with MergedRecord.
  2. On the Merge Result object, create a Master Record field named MasterRecordNetsuiteId__c. Note that the field name must start with MasterRecord, and the rest of the name must match that of the Merged Record field.
  3. On the Merge Result object, create an Effective Master Record field named EffectiveMasterRecordNetsuiteId__c. Note that the field name must start with EffectiveMasterRecord, and the rest of the name must match that of the Merged Record field.
  4. Add the record below to the Merge Result Field Mapping custom metadata type
Field Value
Label Account: NetSuite Customer ID
Merge Result Field Mapping Name AccountNetsuiteCustomerId
Object Account
Field Name NetsuiteCustomerId__c
Result Field Ending NetsuiteId__c

Remember to grant at least Read permission on all fields on the Merge Result object to the System Administrator profile!

DML History Quick Start

DML History currently only supports tracking delete operations.

To track delete operations any object that supports Apex triggers, create a standalone Apex trigger like the following.

trigger AccountDeleteTrigger on Account (after delete) {

To provide code coverage for this simple trigger, create the following class.

private class AccountDeleteTriggerTest {

    private static void deleteRecord() {

        // Given
        insert new Account(
            Name = 'Acme, Inc. (TEST)'
        // When

        delete [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Acme, Inc. (TEST)'];

        // Then

            [SELECT Id FROM DmlOperation__c WHERE Type__c = 'delete'].Id,
            'ID should prove Delete Operation record exists'

To track delete operations with the additional granularity of the record IDs for every single deleted record logged separately, use the overloaded trackDelete method as follows.

trigger OpportunityLineItemDeleteTrigger on OpportunityLineItem (after delete) {
    DmlHistoryService.getInstance().trackDelete(Trigger.old, true);


sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json -s
sfdx force:source:push
sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n DmlHistory


Track DML operations, including merge operations for accounts, contacts and leads







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