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Pisces: A testable web framework

Pisces is a Python web framework with two goals in mind:

  1. Application code should be easy to test.
  2. Components should separate concerns where possible.

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What does it look like?

Pisces is fairly simple and looks a lot like vanilla python code. A fully working API for a URL shortener looks something like this.

import base64
import logging
import pinject
import redis

from pisces import Router, Route, AppContainer

class ShorteningService(object):
    """High-level data retrieval / persistance interface"""

    def __init__(self, data_store):
        # redis, in this example, but implementation specific
        self._backend = data_store

    def hash_link(self, link):
        return base64.b32encode(link)

    def persist_hash_link_pair(self, short_id, link):
        self._backend.set('url-target:' + short_id, link)

    def track_view(self, short_id):
        self._backend.incr('click-count:' + short_id)

    def get_view_count(self, short_id):
        return self._backend.get('click-count:' + short_id)

    def get_url_by_hash(self, short_id):
        return self._backend.get('url-target:' + short_id)

class ShorteningEndpoint(object):
    """Thin layer for munging data from request to backend and back"""

    def __init__(self, shortening_service):
        self._service = shortening_service

    def index(self):
        return {'message': 'WELCOME'}

    # This post__ is a sneaky thing where we pull the url param out of the
    # post data.
    def new_url(self, post__url):
        short_id = self._service.hash_link(post__url)
        self._service.persist_hash_link_pair(short_id, post__url)
        return {'hash': short_id}

    def follow_url(self, short_id):
        url = self._service.get_url_by_hash(short_id)
        return {'url': url}

    def details(self, short_id):
        count = self._service.get_view_count(short_id)
        url = self._service.get_url_by_hash(short_id)
        return {
            'count': count,
            'url': url

class ShortBindingSpec(pinject.BindingSpec):
    def provide_data_store(self, config):
        return redis.Redis(config.get('host'), config.get('port'))

    def provide_config(self):
        # fetch config from file
        return {'host': '', 'port': 6379}

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # not satisfied with this API yet
    graph = pinject.new_object_graph(binding_specs=[ShortBindingSpec()])
    short_endpoint = graph.provide(ShorteningEndpoint)

    root_router = Router([
        Route('/', short_endpoint, 'index', methods=['GET']),
        Route('/', short_endpoint, 'new_url', methods=['POST']),
        Route('/<short_id>\+', short_endpoint, 'details'),
        Route('/<short_id>', short_endpoint, 'follow_url'),

    app_container = AppContainer(root_router)

    from werkzeug.serving import run_simple

    run_simple('', 5000, app_container.wsgi_app, use_reloader=True,

Example Explained

To break this down, the ShorteningService implements our core backend logic. It offers readable method names that express the intention of the method call, and is not littered with implementation concerns. It is, for all purposes, a dull representation of business logic.

The ShorteningEndpoint is a class which represents various endpoints. The responsibility of this class is to ferry information from method parameters (provided by either the route or custom preprocessors) into the business objects, and return values to the client.

ShortBindingSpec tells pinject how to provide arguments for object instantiation. Pinject is a dependency injection framework, which makes code more testable by making it easier to stub out dependencies.

In the __main__ method, we setup logging and get an instance of our endpoint from pinject. We use this instance to build a routing table. A routing table is based on a Router object which takes a list of Route objects. These Route objects map a path to a method on an endpoint instance. You can optionally say which HTTP methods are supported. The urls within the less than and greater than symbols represents capturing groups. These will be passed on to your methods as keyword arguments.

Using this routing table, we instantiate an AppContainer which represents a bridge between the application code you've defined and the WSGI interface. We can attach this AppContainer to werkzeug's run server.

Custom Processors

There are two types of processors defined in pisces: ArgProviders and ResponseConsumers. ArgProviers are responsible for providing keyword arguments to a method call and ResponseConsumers take arguments from the return value and augment the response to the client.

ArgProviders take a custom prefix and, if something matches, provide a value based on the key. In the example of get__param, we will look for a param value in the HTTP GET querystring and provider as a keyword argument to the function as get__param.

ResponseConsumers do a very similar task for responses. They read the keys of the dict returned by views, run them through the ResponseConsumer list augmenting the internal werkzeug.Response object. Any keys that are matched are popped off of the returned dict before sending it back to the client as JSON data.

How to Install

Installation should be no different than any other Python package. Merely install the package through pip with the command pip install pisces.

How to make changes

To make changes, submit a pull request to me. Your change should include tests, updated (or new) documentation relevant to the code changed. You can run tests before submitting your code with the command python test from the root of the checkout.


There are many things to be done, but this is a rough list. Your help would be greatly welcomed!

  • Abstraction over serialization of requests. We're currently assuming json.dumps will handle all serialization needs. We should support serializing dates as well as to other formats.
  • Improvements to the routing scheme to support nesting of routers and better escaping. I'd be open to pulling in a dependency for this.
  • Examples & Tutorials targeting common use cases.
  • A look into the thread safety of the current class structure. We currently have long-lived classes which will likely prove problematic if state is added to them.


  • v0.2
    • Only python 2.7+ is supported.
    • BUG: Throwing attirbute error on non-existing route matching.
  • v0.1: Initial release


TBD. If you have suggestions for what should go in here, please let me know.

Where to get help

If you have any questions about pisces, please don't hesitate to email me using the email address on my GitHub profile.


A testable web framework in Python






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