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Shish edited this page Sep 19, 2013 · 1 revision

A .htaccess file is included which should cover most common setups, so if Apache is configured to read .htaccess files then you can just upload Shimmie and go.

To avoid a little disk I/O, you can also include the contents of the .htaccess directly into the apache config file, and then disable .htaccess checking - that way apache won't waste time looking for that file for every request.

When working with mod_rewrite ("nice URLs") set image_tlink to something like /thumbs/$hash_ab/$hash in the advanced setup - this will make shimmie link directly to the image file, instead of a nicely named redirect (ie if you try and download it you'll get "235362ab5af36" instead of "thumbnail.jpg". But then it's only a thumbnail, people shouldn't be downloading those much :P)

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