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Twitter Bot Documentation


The Twitter bot is a Node.js application that utilizes Puppeteer, a powerful automation tool, to automate interactions on the Twitter platform. The bot enables you to perform various actions such as tweeting, retweeting, liking tweets, following/unfollowing users, and more.


  1. Clone the Twitter bot repository from GitHub.
  2. Install Node.js on your machine if not already installed.
  3. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  4. Run the command npm install to install the project dependencies.


  1. Open the config.js file in the project directory.
  2. Enter your Twitter account credentials in the designated fields (username and password).
  3. Adjust any other configuration options as needed.

Running the Bot

  1. In the terminal, navigate to the project directory.
  2. Run the command node bot.js to start the Twitter bot.


  1. The bot will automatically log in to your Twitter account using the provided credentials.
  2. Customize the bot's behavior by modifying the bot.js file to perform actions such as tweeting, retweeting, or following specific users.
  3. The bot will interact with Twitter based on the actions specified in the code.
  4. You can schedule the bot to run periodically using task schedulers or CRON jobs.

Important Notes

  • Use the Twitter bot responsibly and adhere to Twitter's terms of service and usage policies.
  • Be mindful of rate limits and avoid aggressive actions that may result in account suspension or API restrictions.
  • Regularly update the bot's code to adapt to any changes in the Twitter platform or APIs.


Certainly! Here's a guide on how to clone and run the VRX Twitter bot locally:

Cloning and Running VRX Twitter Bot Locally


  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine.

Clone the Repository

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the VRX Twitter bot.
  3. Run the following command to clone the repository:
    git clone

Install Dependencies

  1. Navigate to the cloned project directory:
    cd vrx
  2. Run the following command to install the project dependencies:
    npm install

Configure the Bot

  1. Open the config.js file in the project directory.
  2. Provide your Twitter account credentials by filling in the username and password fields.
  3. Adjust any other configuration options as needed.

Run the Bot

  1. In the terminal, ensure you are in the project directory.
  2. Execute the following command to start the VRX Twitter bot:
    node bot.js

Usage and Customization

  1. The bot will automatically log in to your Twitter account using the provided credentials.
  2. Customize the bot's behavior by modifying the bot.js file. You can add or modify actions such as tweeting, retweeting, following/unfollowing, and more.
  3. Save your changes and restart the bot using node bot.js for the modifications to take effect.

Important Note

  • Ensure you use the VRX Twitter bot responsibly and comply with Twitter's terms of service and usage policies.
  • Be cautious of rate limits and avoid aggressive actions that could lead to account suspension or API restrictions.
  • Regularly update the bot's code to adapt to any changes in the Twitter platform or APIs.

That's it! You have now successfully cloned and run the VRX Twitter bot locally. Feel free to explore and customize the bot's functionality according to your requirements.


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