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Justin Tadlock committed Jul 7, 2015
2 parents 2254607 + 9287e12 commit 4dc6bb1
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,068 additions and 953 deletions.
67 changes: 64 additions & 3 deletions breadcrumb-trail.php
Expand Up @@ -3,16 +3,77 @@
* Plugin Name: Breadcrumb Trail
* Plugin URI:
* Description: A smart breadcrumb menu plugin embedded with <a href=""></a> microdata that can handle variations in site structure more accurately than any other breadcrumb plugin for WordPress. Insert into your theme with the <code>breadcrumb_trail()</code> template tag.
* Version: 0.6.1
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Justin Tadlock
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: breadcrumb-trail
* Domain Path: /languages

/* Extra check in case the script is being loaded by a theme. */
# Extra check in case the script is being loaded by a theme.
if ( !function_exists( 'breadcrumb_trail' ) )
require_once( 'inc/breadcrumbs.php' );

/* Load translation files. Note: Remove this line if packaging with a theme. */
# Load translation files. Note: Remove this line if packaging with a theme.
load_plugin_textdomain( 'breadcrumb-trail', false, 'breadcrumb-trail/languages' );

# Check theme support. */
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'breadcrumb_trail_theme_setup', 12 );

* Checks if the theme supports the Breadcrumb Trail script. If it doesn't, we'll hook some styles
* into the header.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return void
function breadcrumb_trail_theme_setup() {

if ( !current_theme_supports( 'breadcrumb-trail' ) )
add_action( 'wp_head', 'breadcrumb_trail_print_styles' );

* Prints CSS styles in the header for themes that don't support Breadcrumb Trail.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return void
function breadcrumb_trail_print_styles() {

$style = '
.breadcrumbs .trail-browse,
.breadcrumbs .trail-items,
.breadcrumbs .trail-items li {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: none;
background: transparent;
text-indent: 0;
.breadcrumbs .trail-browse {
font-size: inherit;
font-style: inherit;
font-weight: inherit;
color: inherit;
.breadcrumbs .trail-items {
list-style: none;
.trail-items li::after {
content: "\002F";
padding: 0 0.5em;
.trail-items li:last-of-type::after {
display: none;

echo "\n" . '<style type="text/css" id="breadcrumb-trail-css">' . trim( str_replace( array( "\r", "\n", "\t", " " ), '', $style ) ) . '</style>' . "\n";
135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# Change Log

## [1.0.0] - 2015-07-07

### Added

* Plugins and themes can now filter the `breadcrumb_trail_object` to use their own sub-classes of `Breadcrumb_Trail`.
* Adds the `role` and `aria-label` attributes to improve accessibility.
* Changed from a flat HTML structure to a proper HTML5 `<nav>` > header > list structure.
* Added basic CSS output for themes that don't support the plugin. This was needed for backwards compatibility with the new HTML structure.
* Added additional classes for styling in themes such as `.trail-items` (items wrapper) and `.trail-item` (single item).
* Improved []( support for the newer [BreadcrumbList]( type.
* The category will now be shown by default on sites with a `%postname%` permalink structure for single post views.
* Better support for finding related custom post types and taxonomies.
* Added French translation files.

### Fixed

* Accounts for `is_paged()` on single post views, which is needed for custom post types like forums that are paged.
* Always makes sure taxonomy terms exist before adding them as breadcrumb items.
* Uses `get_post()` instead of the deprecated `get_page()` function.
* Don't show parent page item if it's set as the front page and we're viewing a child page.

### Changed

* Removed the `title` attribute for links. This is far better for accessibility.

### Security

* Hardening security by making sure all URLs are passed through `esc_url()`.
* Hardening security by running translations through `esc_html_e()` and `esc_html__()`.

### Removed

* bbPress support was dropped. If needed, developers should sub-class `Breadcrumb_Trail`.

## [0.6.1]

* Make sure `breadcrumb_trail()` can return the HTML.
* Add `rel="home"` to the home page link. This got removed at some point.
* Do network and site home links in bbPress.
* Slight fix to stop bbPress from putting double "Forums" in the breadcrumb trail.
* The `show_on_front` argument should only work if the front page is not paginated.
* Better handling of the text strings, particularly when displaying date/time.
* Updated `breadcrumb-trail.pot` file for better translating.

## [0.6.0]

* []( support.
* Completely overhauled the entire plugin, rewriting large swathes of code from the ground up. This version takes an object-oriented approach.
* Blew every other breadcrumb menu script out of the water.

## [0.5.3]

### Added

* Use `post_type_archive_title()` on post type archives in the trail.
* Add support for taxonomies that have a `$rewrite->slug` that matches a string value for a custom post type's `has_archive` argument.
* Added support for an `archive_title` label for custom post types because we can't use the `post_type_archive_title()` function on single posts views for the post type.
* Loads of pagination support on both archive-type pages and paged single posts.
* Added support for hierarchical custom post types (get parent posts).
* Added the `network` argument to allow multisite owners to run the trail all the way back to the main site.

### Fixed

* Only check attachment trail if the attachment has a parent.
* Fixed the issue where the wrong post type archive link matches with a term archive page.

## [0.5.2]

* No friggin' clue. I think I actually skipped version numbers somehow. :)

## [0.5.1]

* Changed license from GPL 2-only to GPL 2+.
* Smarter handling of the `trail-begin` and `trail-end` classes.
* Added `container` argument for wrapping breadcrumbs in a custom HTML element.
* Changed `bbp_get_forum_parent()` to `bbp_get_forum_parent_id()`.

## [0.5.0]

* Use hardcoded strings for the textdomain, not a variable.
* Inline doc updates.
* Added bbPress support.
* Use `single_post_title()` instead of `get_the_title()` for post titles.

## [0.4.1]

* Use `get_queried_object()` and `get_queried_object_id()` instead of accessing `$wp_query` directly.
* Pass `$args` as second parameter in `breadcrumb_trail` hook.

## [0.4.0]

* New function: `breadcrumb_trail_get_items()`, which grabs a list of all the trail items. This separates the items from the main `breadcrumb_trail()` function.
* New filter hook: `breadcrumb_trail_items`, which allows devs to filter just the items.
* New function: `breadcrumb_trail_map_rewrite_tags()`, which maps the permalink structure tags set under Permalink Settings in the admin to make for a much more accurate breadcrumb trail.
* New function: `breadcrumb_trail_textdomain()`, which can be filtered when integrating the plugin into a theme to match the theme's textdomain.
* Added functionality to handle WP 3.1 post type enhancements.

## [0.3.2]

* Smarter logic in certain areas.
* Removed localization for things that shouldn't be localized with time formats.
* `single_tax` set to `null` instead of `false`.
* Better escaping of element attributes.
* Use `$wp_query->get_queried_object()` and `$wp_query->get_queried_object_id()`.
* Add in initial support of WordPress 3.1's post type archives.
* Better formatting and organization of the output late in the function.
* Added `trail-before` and `trail-after` CSS classes if `$before` or `$after` is set.

## [0.3.1]

* Undefined index error fixes.
* Fixes for trying to get a property of a non-object.

## [0.3.0]

* Added more support for custom post types and taxonomies.
* Added more support for more complex hierarchies.
* The breadcrumb trail now recognizes more patterns with pages as part of the permalink structure of other objects.
* All post types can have any taxonomy as the leading part of the trail.
* Cleaned up the code.

## [0.2.1]

* Removed and/or added (depending on the case) the extra separator item on sub-categories and date-/time-based breadcrumbs.

## [0.2.0]

* The title of the "home" page (i.e. posts page) when not the front page is now properly recognized.
* Cleaned up the code and logic behind the plugin.

## [0.1.0]

* Launch of the new plugin.

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