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welcome to alphaCode

alpha code is a verry simple programming language based on the prorgamming language "BASIC"

its syntax is based on commands and arguments, every command you write down has a predefined number of arguments it needs, and the arguments can either be:

  • a string
  • a number
  • a variable

here is a list of all commands that are currently available

  • print print needs 1 argument, wich is the thing that will be printed to the console. this can either be a variable or a string litteral
print "hello world"

  • get get needs 1 argument, wich is the string variable, the input will be stored in
get str
print str

  • let let is a command to define variables, it needs 2 arguments.
    the first one is a variable name, where the value will be stored
    and the second one is the value to be stored, wich can either be a string or a number
let num 69420
let str "spam and eggs"

print str

  • exit exit, will exit the program. it needs 1 number as argument, wich will be used to return as the exit code of the program
print "hello world"
exit 0

  • more/less the more and less commands will increment and decrement a numeric variable
let age 1

more age
print age
print "\n"

less age
print age
exit 0

  • goto the goto command will go to a previously defined "marker" and continue running from there. a marker is define with a ':' followed by the name of the marker. the goto command will go to the marker name given as its first and only argument
let age 1

more age
print age
goto loop
exit 0

  • gotoifis the gotoifis command needs 3 arguments: num1, num2 and marker. it will go to marker, if num1 and num2 are the same, num1 and num2 must be either of type number or variable
let age 1

more age
print age
gotoifis age 2 loop
exit 0

  • gotoifisnt the gotoifisnt command needs 3 arguments: num1, num2 and marker. it will go to marker, if num1 and num2 are NOT the same, num1 and num2 must be either of type number or variable
let age 1

more age
print age
gotoifisnt age 500 loop
exit 0

  • gotoifisgtr the gotoifisgtr command needs 3 arguments: num1, num2 and marker. it will go to marker, if num1 > num2, num1 and num2 must be either of type number or variable
let age 1

more age
print age
gotoifisgtr 500 age loop
exit 0

  • gotoifislss the gotoifislss command needs 3 arguments: num1, num2 and marker. it will go to marker, if num1 < num2, num1 and num2 must be either of type number or variable
let age 1

more age
print age
gotoifislss age 500 loop
exit 0

  • add the add command needs 2 arguments, the first one needs to be a variable, and the second one can be a variable or a number. it will add the second argument to the first argument
let num1 69
let num2 420

add num1 num2
print num1

exit 0

  • sub the sub command needs 2 arguments, the first one needs to be a variable, and the second one can be a variable or a number. it will subtract the second argument from the first argument
let num1 69
let num2 420

sub num1 num2
print num1

exit 0

  • div the div command needs 2 arguments, the first one needs to be a variable, and the second one can be a variable or a number. it will divide the second argument by the first argument
let num1 69
let num2 420

div num1 num2
print num1

exit 0

  • mul the mul command needs 2 arguments, the first one needs to be a variable, and the second one can be a variable or a number. it will multiply the second argument with the first argument
let num1 69
let num2 420

mul num1 num2
print num1

exit 0

  • pow the pow command needs 2 arguments, the first one needs to be a variable, and the second one can be a variable or a number. it will take the power of the first argument raised to the second argument, and store it in the first argument
let num1 69
let num2 420

pow num1 num2
print num1

exit 0

  • mod the mod command needs 2 arguments, the first one needs to be a variable, and the second one can be a variable or a number. it will take the mod of the first argument with the second argument, and store it in the first argument
let num1 69
let num2 420

mod num1 num2
print num1

exit 0

  • debug the debug command will go trough the memory, and display all the variable that have already defined
let num1 69
let num2 420

exit 0