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Juttle Documentation

Welcome to the documentation for Juttle, a dataflow programming language!

About Juttle

Juttle is an analytics system and language for developers built upon a stream-processing core and targeted for presentation-layer scale. Juttle gives you an agile way to query, analyze, and visualize live and historical data from many different big data backends or other web services. Using the Juttle dataflow language, you can specify your presentation analytics in a single place with a syntax modeled after the classic unix shell pipeline. There is no need to program against data query and visualization libraries. Juttle scripts, or juttles, tie everything together and abstract away the details.

While the Juttle syntax embraces the simplicity of the unix pipeline design pattern, it also includes a number of more powerful language concepts including functions, dataflow subgraph notation, native expressions, modules, scoping, and special aggregation functions called reducers. The details of the language and the dataflow model are desribed in the Juttle Language Reference.

In Juttle, you read data from a backend service, analyze it using dataflow processors, and send derived data or synthesized events to some output, e.g., streaming results to a browser view, writing data to a storage backend, posting http events to slack, hipchat, pagerduty, etc.

Juttle presently includes a number of adapters for various big-data backends and we are continually adding more. This means that you can interoperate with your existing infrastructure, whether it is a cassandra cluster, elastic search, a SQL database, something from the hadoop ecosystem, and so forth. If a particular backend is not yet supported, an adapter for it can be added in a relatively straightforward manner using Juttle's backend adapter API.

Under the hood, the Juttle compiler generates JavaScript output that implements the Juttle dataflow computation by executing alongside the Juttle runtime, either in node or the browser. The Juttle optimizer figures out the pattern of queries needed to run on the various big-data backends to perform the analytics specified in your Juttle programs. This greatly simplifies the development of presentation-layer analytics since you can simply specify a high-level Juttle program and don't have to worry about all the details involved in querying the big-data backends.

Use Cases

Here are some ideas of what you can do with Juttle:

  • embedding analytics-driven visualization in your application,
  • providing users of your software with highly customizable views by tapping into data residing in your system's storage backends,
  • composing custom dashboards or "wallboards" that run continuously for your internal users (ops teams, dev teams, business users, etc),
  • building custom dataflow microservices around a specific analytics workflow like smart alerting, anomaly detection, or custom application logic,
  • exploring your data interactively using Juttle's rapid prototyping model,
  • introspecting and debugging your big-data pipeline, and
  • prototyping and experimenting with dataflow concepts applied to your data before implementing them in detail and in production using other stream-processing systems like Spark or Storm.

Stream-processing Systems

Juttle was inspired by modern, stream-processing systems like Storm and Spark Streaming. While Juttle can do a lot of what these other systems do, it is not intended as an outright replacement for them nor does it have their properties of parallelizability, durability, or checkpointing. Rather, Juttle's strengths are centered around interactive visualizations, i.e., performing analytics at a scale where data is interactively viewed and complements systems like Spark where the output of Spark can feed the input of Juttle (the Juttle Spark adapter is currently under development). An interesting future extension for Juttle would be to adapt the Juttle compiler and runtime to generate scala in addition to JavaScript as a target output langauge and leverage the Spark infrastructure for Juttle programs.

How To Navigate

Use the left sidebar menu for navigating the sections. Getting started with the Juttle Overview should orient you reasonably well; the rest of the Concepts section has background information on the language design.

The search feature (powered by lunr.js in mkdocs) can be helpful too, see the search box in upper left corner.

Juttle examples are provided as code snippets; copy them to run in your own environment.

🚧 Embedded Juttle examples are coming soon.

Maintaining Docs

🚼 These docs are just coming together.

If you find a problem in the documentation, members of juttle GitHub project can edit the articles inline by following "Edit on GitHub" link. Small obvious fixes may be committed directly to master. If discussion is needed, please put up a PR on a branch.

ℹ️ This documentation was produced with mkdocs, see details in README.