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Droplet shape solver

Simple Young-Laplace equation solver for small droplets


This package is currently targeting Python version 3.10 and above.

If you just want to install the latest verions, run the following pip install command:

pip install git+

Poetry installation

These instructions are for MacOS:

Install pipx (

brew install pipx
pipx ensurepath

Optionally add pipx completions to your shell. To get instruction, run:

pipx completions

Install Poetry (

pipx install poetry

Possible problems

Sometimes you will get an error when pip tries to install llvmlite: "RuntimeError: Could not find a llvm-config binary. There are a number of reasons this could occur, please see: for help."

Install LLVM 14:

brew install llvm@14
export LLVM_CONFIG=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm@14/bin/llvm-config

Sometimes poetry might not read .python-version file but try to use the wrong version instead. In this case run:

poetry env use ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.7/bin/python

Developer installation

If you want to develop this package, then you can install it locally in editable mode.

CPython 3.10.11

pyenv install 3.10.11
pyenv local 3.10.11

Upgrade essential packages and create virtual environment

Regardless of the Python version, you should run these commands.

cd /path/to/adsa

python -V
>  Python 3.11.7

poetry install
poetry shell

Install adsa in editable mode

Poetry install by default the current project.

Windows and MinGW

Make sure you have a proper Python installed with the py wrapper. Here, I assume version 3.11 of Python, but you can use a later one as well.

Run these commands in the root folder of the project (ie. the folder wher this file is).

py -3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip poetry
py -3.11 -m poetry install
py -3.11 -m poetry shell

Run demo

python -m adsa.cli demo

Run cli

adsa-cli -h
adsa-cli demo


python -m adsa.cli -h
python -m adsa.cli -h

Run Jupyter notebook

poetry shell
cd notebook
jupyter notebook

Testing installation

python -m pytest

python -m pytest --pycodestyle

python -m flake8


Simple Young-Laplace equation solver for small droplets







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