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Add schema restrictions
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There are many parts of the spec which dictate the structure of
schemas themselves.
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malcolmsparks committed Jun 17, 2019
1 parent 306a53f commit e69ec8e
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Showing 4 changed files with 611 additions and 28 deletions.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/juxt/jsonschema/core.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns juxt.jsonschema.core
(:refer-clojure :exclude [number? integer?]))
(:refer-clojure :exclude [number? integer?])
(:require [juxt.jsonschema.regex :as regex]))

(defn number? [x]
(clojure.core/number? x))
Expand All @@ -18,3 +19,8 @@

(defn schema? [x]
(or (object? x) (boolean? x)))

(defn regex? [x]
;; TODO: Check is x is a valid regular expression "according to the
;; ECMA 262 regular expression dialect"
(string? x))
232 changes: 210 additions & 22 deletions src/juxt/jsonschema/schema.clj
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
;; Copyright © 2019, JUXT LTD.

(ns juxt.jsonschema.schema
(:refer-clojure :exclude [number? integer?])
[juxt.jsonschema.core :refer [array? object? schema?]]
[lambdaisland.uri :refer [join]]))
[juxt.jsonschema.core :refer [number? integer? array? object? schema? regex?]]
[lambdaisland.uri :refer [join]])
(clojure.lang ExceptionInfo)))

(defn- with-base-uri-meta
"For each $id in the schema, add metadata to indicate the base-uri."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,31 +39,220 @@
(vector? schema)
(mapcat index-by-uri schema)))

(defmulti validate-keyword (fn [kw v] kw))
(declare validate)

(defmethod validate-keyword :default [kw v] nil)
(defmulti validate-keyword (fn [kw v options] kw))

(defmethod validate-keyword "type" [kw v]
(defmethod validate-keyword :default [kw v options] nil)

(defmethod validate-keyword "type" [kw v options]
(when-not (or (string? v) (array? v))
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'type' MUST be either a string or an array" {}))))
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'type' MUST be either a string or an array" {:value v})))

(when (array? v)
(when-not (every? string? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'type', if it is an array, elements of the array MUST be strings" {})))
(when-not (apply distinct? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'type', if it is an array, elements of the array MUST be unique" {}))))

(let [legal #{"null" "boolean" "object" "array" "number" "string" "integer"}]
(and (string? v) (contains? legal v))
(and (array? v) (every? #(contains? legal %) v)))
(throw (ex-info "String values of 'type' MUST be one of the six primitive types or 'integer'" {:value v})))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "enum" [kw v options]
(when-not (array? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of an enum MUST be an array" {:value v})))
(when (:strict? options)
(when (empty? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of an enum SHOULD have at least one element" {:value v})))
(when-not (apply distinct? v)
(throw (ex-info "Elements in the enum value array SHOULD be unique" {:value v})))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "multipleOf" [kw v options]
(when-not (and (number? v) (pos? v))
(throw (ex-info "The value of multipleOf MUST be a number, strictly greater than 0" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "maximum" [kw v options]
(when-not (number? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of maximum MUST be a number" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "exclusiveMaximum" [kw v options]
(when-not (number? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of exclusiveMaximum MUST be a number" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "minimum" [kw v options]
(when-not (number? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of minimum MUST be a number" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "exclusiveMinimum" [kw v options]
(when-not (number? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of exclusiveMinimum MUST be a number" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "maxLength" [kw v options]
(when-not (and (integer? v) (not (neg? v)))
(throw (ex-info "The value of maxLength MUST be a non-negative integer" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "minLength" [kw v options]
(when-not (and (integer? v) (not (neg? v)))
(throw (ex-info "The value of minLength MUST be a non-negative integer" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "pattern" [kw v options]
(when-not (string? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of pattern MUST be a string" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "items" [kw v options]
(schema? v)
(validate v options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info
"The value of 'items' MUST be a valid JSON Schema"
{:value v}

(array? v)
(doseq [el v]
(validate el options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info
"The value of 'items' MUST be an array of valid JSON Schemas, but at least one element isn't valid"
{:element el}

(throw (ex-info "The value of 'items' MUST be either a valid JSON Schema or an array of valid JSON Schemas" {}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "additionalItems" [kw v options]
(when-not (schema? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'additionalItems' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:value v})))
(validate v options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'additionalItems' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:value v} cause)))))

(defn- validate [schema]
(defmethod validate-keyword "maxItems" [kw v options]
(when-not (and (integer? v) (not (neg? v)))
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'maxItems' MUST be a non-negative integer" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "minItems" [kw v options]
(when-not (and (integer? v) (not (neg? v)))
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'minItems' MUST be a non-negative integer" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "uniqueItems" [kw v options]
(when-not (boolean? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'uniqueItems' MUST be a boolean" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "contains" [kw v options]
(when-not (schema? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'contains' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:value v})))
(validate v options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'contains' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:value v} cause)))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "maxProperties" [kw v options]
(when-not (and (integer? v) (not (neg? v)))
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'maxProperties' MUST be a non-negative integer" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "minProperties" [kw v options]
(when-not (and (integer? v) (not (neg? v)))
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'minProperties' MUST be a non-negative integer" {:value v}))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "required" [kw v options]
(when-not (array? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'required' MUST be an array" {:value v})))
(when (and (array? v) (not-empty v))
(when-not (every? string? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'required' MUST be an array. Elements of this array, if any, MUST be strings" {:value v})))
(when-not (apply distinct? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'required' MUST be an array. Elements of this array, if any, MUST be unique" {:value v})))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "properties" [kw v options]
(when-not (object? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'properties' MUST be an object" {:value v})))
(doseq [[subkw subschema] v]
(validate subschema options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info "Each value of 'properties' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:keyword subkw} cause))))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "patternProperties" [kw v options]
(when-not (object? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'patternProperties' MUST be an object" {:value v})))
(doseq [[subkw subschema] v]
(when-not (regex? subkw)
(throw (ex-info "Each property name of a 'patternProperties' object SHOULD be a valid regular expression")))
(validate subschema options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info "Each value of a 'patternProperties' object MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:keyword subkw} cause))))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "additionalProperties" [kw v options]
(when-not (schema? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'additionalProperties' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:value v})))
(validate v options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'additionalProperties' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:value v} cause)))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "dependencies" [kw v options]
(when-not (object? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'dependencies' MUST be an object" {}))
(doseq [v (vals v)]
(when-not (or (array? v) (schema? v))
(throw (ex-info "Dependency values MUST be an array or a valid JSON Schema" {:value v})))
(when (and (array? v) (not-empty v))
(when-not (every? string? v)
(throw (ex-info "Each element in a dependencies array MUST be a string" {})))
(when-not (apply distinct? v)
(throw (ex-info "Each element in a dependencies array MUST be unique" {}))))
(when (schema? v)
(validate v options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info "Dependency values MUST be an array or a valid JSON Schema" {:value v} cause)))))))

(defmethod validate-keyword "propertyNames" [kw v options]
(when-not (schema? v)
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'propertyNames' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:value v})))
(validate v options)
(catch ExceptionInfo cause
(throw (ex-info "The value of 'propertyNames' MUST be a valid JSON Schema" {:value v} cause)))))

;; TODO: propertyNames

(defn- validate
"Validate a schema, checking it obeys conformance rules. When
the :strict? option is truthy, rules that contain SHOULD are
considered errors."
[schema options]
(boolean? schema)
(nil? schema)
(doseq [[k v] (seq schema)]
(validate-keyword k v))))
(validate-keyword k v options))))

(defn schema [schema]
;; TODO: Ensure schema is returned as-is if it's existing schema
;; TODO: Add ^:juxt/schema true - which is the right keyword here?
(validate schema)
(let [schema (with-base-uri-meta schema)
index (into {} (index-by-uri schema))]
(and (instance? clojure.lang.IMeta schema) index)
(with-meta (-> schema meta (assoc :uri->schema index))))))
(defn schema
(schema s {:strict? true}))
([schema options]
;; TODO: Ensure schema is returned as-is if it's existing schema
;; TODO: Add ^:juxt/schema true - which is the right keyword here?
(validate schema options)
(let [schema (with-base-uri-meta schema)
index (into {} (index-by-uri schema))]
(and (instance? clojure.lang.IMeta schema) index)
(with-meta (-> schema meta (assoc :uri->schema index)))))))

;; TODO: Try against all schemas in test-suite

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +304,3 @@

;; NOTE: A relative $ref will now be easy to resolve to a URI, using
;; the :base-uri for the object's metadata.

;; TODO: Basic schema validation according to the rules in
;; draft-handrews-json-schema-validation-01.txt etc.

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