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This package is likely no longer necessary and likely to be EOL.

pyramid_subscribers_cookiexfer allows you to transfer cookies from the request to the response on an http exception, and persist set-cookie data through serverside sessions.

Originally, this package designed to deal with two scenarios:

  1. The Safari browser did not respect Set-Cookie headers on 302 an 303 redirects. This was changed around 2012, and there are very few "wrong" browsers in the wild. To get around this situation, this library stashed the SetCookie data into a server-side session, and then re-integrated it on the next view.
  2. Much earlier versions of Pyramid had drastically different behaviors between
return HTTPFound("/path/to")


     raise HTTPFound("/path/to")

This is no longer the case, for as many as 10 years.

If we went back in time...

You may need this if your application code rewrites a response, as cookies are often set with add_response_callback and not add_finished_callback.

You may also need this to support some browsers which ignore cookies on certain status codes.

If you only persist data through a serversside Pyramid session, this pacakge is not needed. The Pyramid session cookie is often set before authentication, so data persists through the redirect.


This package may be useful if you are setting ancillary information through browser cookies, such as caching user data on the client.

A typical user flow might be this:

  • user submits form to /account/login
  • backend authenticates, sets various cookies
  • backend redirects to /account/home

Almost every browser respects a SetCookie header on a redirect -- however Safari is known to ignore this.

Many developers have stored cookies in session data to show on future visits, this package automates that.

Two methods are available to persist information

  • add_headers Transfers cookie headers from the request to the response
  • session_save Saves the cookies you'd want to set into the session, migrates them into the response on the next pageview

This package also offers the ability to uniquely manage the cookies to avoid duplicates. right now this behavior is recommended.

The package is configured through a few variables set in your .ini files , then enabled with an import and call to initialize in your .ini

The internal mechanics are pretty simple:

config.add_subscriber(new_request, '')
config.add_subscriber(new_response, '')

In order to aid in debugging and cut down on processing:

  • initialize_subscribers() will only install a NewResponse listener if sessioning will be used
  • A configurable regex is used to eliminate paths from the module (including debug statements)

Important Notes:

  • This package will respect headers that are raised with the httpexception
  • Because of how pyramid's internals work, you must return the redirect -- not raise it -- if you want cookies transferred from the request.response. If you "raise" a redirect, only the headers used to initialize the redirect can be stored in the session (they exist in the new response object and do not need to be transferred)

These situations will work:

A few case examples

`return HTTPFound(location='/new/location')`
  • Any cookies set by request.response.set_cookie will be transferred
`return HTTPFound(location='/new/location', headers=dict_of_headers)`
  • the headers in dict_of_headers are already in the new response, and can persist to the session
  • any cookies set by request.response.set_cookie will be transferred
`raise HTTPFound(location='/new/location')`
  • NO cookies set by request.response.set_cookie will be transferred
`raise HTTPFound(location='/new/location', headers=dict_of_headers )`
  • the headers in dict_of_headers are already in the new response, and can persist to the session
  • NO cookies set by request.response.set_cookie will be transferred

configuration options


If set, this will be compiled into a regex. routes matching this regex will be ignored.


If "true",



cookie_xfer.redirect_add_headers = True
cookie_xfer.redirect_session_save = False
cookie_xfer.apply_unique = False
cookie_xfer.re_excludes = "^/(css|img|js|deform|_debug_toolbar)"


import pyramid_subscribers_cookiexfer

def main(global_config, **settings):


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