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Issue Posting

jvmahon edited this page Jan 6, 2020 · 4 revisions

Please don't report issues on the HomeSeer forum. They will likely get overlooked! Please use github issue reporting.

When posting an issue on the github page, please . . .

  1. Identify which platform you are using (Linux or Windows).

  2. Confirm that you are using the latest version of the plugin and state that in your issue report. To do this, enter:

npm -g list --depth=0
  1. Confirm which version of node you are using and include that in your issue report. To do this, enter:
node -v
  1. Post your config.json file (or at least the entries for the device at issue).

  2. In the case of a crash, please include any crash report information displayed on your homebridge computer.

  3. If the issue is a device operating improperly (as opposed to a crash), please observe the HomeSeer Log page (visible from the HomeSeer [View] -> [Log] menu) as you control the device from HomeKit and include in your report any error messages or warnings that you see. Please provide a description of what you were doing when the error message was generated.

  4. Are you running the homebridge-homeseer4 plugin as your only homebridge 'platform', or are you also using other 'platforms' - if so, before reporting an issue, please try setting up homebridge with homebridge-homeseer4 as your only 'platform'; to do this, backup your config.json (so you can later restore it), and then edit config.json to remove all other platforms.



I've deleted most of my "old" installation instructions that used to be here. Homebridge has updated their instructions and they are now more comprehensive than what I had. Just follow their instructions:

And be sure to use config-ui-x. Its really great for setting up the plugin.

Configuring Devices

These instructions are now a bit out of date. You can follow them to set up the plugin, but there is now a settings interface in config-ui-x which makes it much easier.


Why won't my device names change after I edit them in config.json


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