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Client Manager

This is a full-stack application built with PHP and MySQL. It is a simple client manager that allows you to add, edit, and delete clients and their addresses.


What I learned

There aren't a lot of recent resources online when it comes to using pure PHP in 2024, so I wrote a blog post sharing the things I learned.

Learning PHP in 2024 - DEV Community


The application has the following structure:

  • public/index.php is the application's entry point, where the autoloader is required and the application is started.
  • src/Core contains the application core, such as implementing the Router, Database, Renderer, etc.
  • src/Handlers contains the request handlers for the application routes.
    • GET requests call the handler loader method if it exists
    • POST requests call the action method if it exists.
    • Handlers can also have a render method to render the HTML template.
  • src/Middleware contains the middleware classes such as Auth and Guest middlewares for protected routes.
  • src/templates contains the HTML templates rendered with Plates.
  • src/routes.php registers the application routes and their handlers.
  • src/utils.php contains helper functions like dd for debugging.

Running with Docker

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed:
docker -v
  1. Start the application and the database with Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d
  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8888.

You can log in with the following credentials:

Password: 123456

Running locally

  1. Make sure you have PHP 8.*, Composer, and Docker installed:
php -v
composer -v
docker -v
  1. Install the dependencies:
composer install
  1. Start the database with Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d db

This command will start a MySQL database on port :3306.

You can also use a local version of MySQL, just make sure to update the .env file with your database credentials.

  1. Start the application:
composer start

This command will copy the .env.example file to .env and start the PHP built-in server.

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8888.

You can log in with the following credentials:

Password: 123456

Cleaning up Docker

To stop the Docker containers, run:

docker-compose down -v --rmi all

This will stop the containers, remove the volumes, and delete the images.

Made with 🧡 by @jvzaniolo


A simple client manager built with pure PHP




