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What is it?

This lets you run a Passport strategy without having Passport involved:

import { BasicStrategy } from 'passport-http';
import { runStrategy } from 'passport-strategy-runner';

const strategy = new BasicStrategy((username, password, done) => {
  done(null, {username: 'jwalton'});

const req = {};

// If no callback is supplied, will return a promise.
runStrategy(strategy, req, (err, result) => {

Why would you want this?

Maybe you want to write unit tests for your strategy, maybe you want to make a passport competitor that works with Passport strategies, maybe you just decided you wanted to figure out how Passport works. :)


runStrategy(strategy, request[, options][, done])

Runs the specified strategy, with the specified request and the specified options. options here is the options object that would be passed to passport.authenticate(strategy, options). If you do not pass a callback to this function, it will return a Promise which resolves to the result. The result will be an object of one of the following forms:

  • {type: 'success', user, info}
  • {type: 'fail', challenge, status, message, messageType}
  • {type: 'redirect', url, status}
  • {type: 'pass'}