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Way to use

It's pretty easy to use! As you see, there is a displayer on top and a keyboard on bottom.

There are 2 modes for displayer: code mode and output mode. You can switch it by clicking it.

Especially, there is a pointer on the displayer, you can move by specific keys in keyboard (see below) it to view different part of the display code or output: just like rolling your eyeboll!

By the way, the way to output is a bit different: you need to use the built-in function echo(data, flags = echoOps.W) to output and clearEcho() to clear it. What's more, there is a function to accept user's input: input((data) => { ... }).

For more features and details, just see the next part!

Specific keys

There are lots of specific keys in the keyboard. They are so important that you can ignore them at all!

Here is the list of them:

Feature keys

  • PP: previous page, only for keyboard
  • NP: next page, only for keyboard
  • BP: backspace
  • B2: long backspace
  • PL: pointer left
  • PR: pointer right
  • JL: jump left (pointer)
  • JR: jump right (pointer)
  • LU: lower & upper (operates on the character before the pointer)
  • CN: chinese charactor input (operates on the pattern that like .tan10 (.[pinyin][index], matched with the pinyin table) and that is before the pointer)
  • OP: switch or input an operator (operates on the character before the pointer)
  • SV: save
  • SY: sync (from saved)
  • C2: clear outputs
  • GO: go (running)

Escape keys

  • WS: white space
  • WP: wrap
  • BS: back slash \
  • CQ: common quote "
  • SQ: single quote '

Abbr keys

  • EC: echo()
  • EO: echoOps.
  • CE: clearEcho()
  • RO: Reflect.ownKeys()

Built-in APIs

There is the list of built-in APIs in the JStudio runtime environment:

  • echo(data, flags = echoOps.W): display the data on the displayer (values of enum echoOps: W (stands for 'add Wrap'), P (stands for 'with Prototype'), L (stands for 'support Long strings'), F (stands for 'support Functions'))
  • clearEcho(): clear the displayer
  • input((data) => { ... }): accept the data which user inputs
  • cn(pinyin): query the pinyin table according to the specific pinyin
  • pinyin: the pinyin table


A cool code editor for ZeppOS made in Vepp!







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