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Our motivation comes from a question that arose when modeling dicot (e.g. maize) root growth in a piecewise linear fashion and inferring the path of a root given a point along its trajectory.

In its simplest form, the question is the following. Suppose that a priori $X \sim N(\mu, I_n / \phi)$. Subsequently, we learn that $\ell(X) = 0$ where $\ell$ is a piecewise affine, continuous function. How does one sample $(X | \ell(X) = 0)$? We can, of course extend that to when the covariance is any positive definite symmetric matrix $\Sigma$.

This software can sample from these sorts of distributions. It uses Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC).

Please note though, that the excellent HMC software Stan can often sample from a nearly identical distribution - so long as $\ell(x)$ is not too complicated - by insisting that $|\ell(x)| < \varepsilon$. In other words, you should check out Stan to see if you use-case fits there before diving into this software.


For instance, this software allows us to sample from

$$X \sim (N(0, D) ; | ; ||X||_1= 1)$$

as seen below. We are not restricted to diagonal $D$ and can use arbitrary covariance structures. (Actually, we can use piecewise quadratic log-densities.)

Sampling conditional on lying on the one-norm


There are two classes of main interest depending on if the covariance structure is isotropic or anisotropic. Those are IsotropicCTGauss and AnisotropicCTGauss, respectively. Both of these using the same parameters to define the function $\ell(x)$.

Defining $\ell(x)$

There are two parts to defining $\ell(x)$, defining the regions and defining the subspace within each region.

Defining the regions

The regions are defined using

  • (m, n) array $F$
  • (m, 1) or (m,) array $g$
  • (J, m) array $L$

The $i$ th row of $F$ and $i$ th entry of $g$ define a hyperplane via $f_i' x + g = 0, i = 1, \ldots, m.$

The jth row of $L$ defines how to construct the jth region, for $j = 1, \ldots, J$. The rules are

  • The $i$ th hyperplane is used (is active) in constructing the jth region if $L_{ji} \neq 0$.

  • The jth region is defined by $$sign(L_{ji}) ({f_i}' x + g_i) \geq 0$$

    for active $i$.

  • If a particle in region $j$ encounters the $i$ th hyperplane, the magnitude of $L_{ji}$ determines to which region it transitions. In other words, for active $i$, the particle is reflected if $|L_{ji}| = j$, otherwise it passes through the hyperplane innto region $|L_{ji}|$.

Defining the subspaces

The subspaces are defined using

  • (J, n, d) array or a list of J (n, d) arrays $A$
  • (J, d) array or a list of J (d,1) or (d,) arrays $y$

For the $j$ th region, the subspace is $$A[j]'x + y[j] = 0.$$

Gaussian parameters

In the isotropic case, the parameters are

  • The mean $\mu$ as an (n,1) or (n,) array
  • The precision $\phi$ as a scalar

In the anisotropic case, the parameters are given by

  • The mean $\mu$ as an (n,1) or (n,) array
  • The precision $M$ as a (n, n) array


After defining the function $\ell$ via the parameters describe above, you can generate samples by using the sample function. E.g.:

  import numpy as np
  from ctgauss import IsotropicCTGauss

  # ... Define A, y, F, g, L ...
  rng = np.default_rng()
  N = 1000                       # Draw 1000 samples
  t_max = np.pi / 2              # Travel pi/2 before resampling momentum

  # Make sure these values correspond to your \ell!!!
  x0 = np.array([1., 0., 0.])    # The starting point
  x0dot = np.array([0., 1., 0.]) # The staring velocity
  reg = 1                        # The starting region

  ictg = IsotropicCTGauss(phi, mu, A, y, F, g, L)
  (X, Xdot, R) = ictg.sample(rng, N, t_max, reg, x0, x0dot)

More specific examples can be found in the notebooks directory.


Sample from a piecewise affine conditioned truncated Gaussian







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