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Releases: jwortmann/brackets-color-scheme


31 Mar 16:33
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  • Added highlighting for GitHub Alerts in Markdown (not yet released by Sublime Text)
  • Added highlighting for trailing spaces in Diff (not yet released by Sublime Text)
  • Changed color for range info in Diff to make it more visible
  • Minor changes for dots in JSX component tags and Python decorators
  • Small fix for the equal symbol in CSS attribute selector


30 Jul 21:53
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  • Changed font style for letters/variables in LaTeX math environments to italic.

  • Added rules for dimmed type comments in updated Python syntax (this will probably take effect when the next ST version gets released).

  • Improved highlighting for the Typst syntax package.

  • Minor fix for Markdown footnotes.


19 May 15:12
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  • Updated colors for LSP signature help popup.
  • Small fix for operator keyword in Go.


15 Nov 19:56
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  • Changed the color of fold markers (which previously was set to grey to match the style from the original Brackets themes) to yellow, so that they are more noticeable within the source code.

  • Type annotations with custom classes in Python now follow the color which is defined by the "type" variable in the color scheme.

  • A few minor fixes and adjustments.


10 Aug 17:48
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  • Removed highlighting for unrecognized types/classes in C#, Go, Java & Ruby (previously blue). This will affect user-defined type/class names, but also some classes from a standard library if the syntax does not distinguish them from user-defined classes, for example String in Java.
    This was done to make highlighting more consistent between languages, and because blue should only be used for keywords and other builtins.
    A new color variable named type is added for unrecognized types/classes, which is used in JavaScript/TypeScript, PHP, Rust and in the languages mentioned above. To adjust the color in all of these languages, create a color scheme customization via Preferences > Customize Color Scheme and add for example

      "variables": {
        "type": "var(blue)",
  • Small tweaks for the LSP package (signature help popup and link underline color).


31 May 17:52
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  • Added bold and italic font styles for corresponding inline markup in Markdown
  • Enhanced highlighting for Makefiles
  • Removed highlighting for unrecognized (i.e. user-defined) type names in Rust (previously blue)
  • Added special highlighting for // TODO comments in C#
  • Various minor fixes and improvements


30 Dec 22:07
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  • Added highlighting for attributes in PHP 8, and a few other small improvements
  • Special comments which signify a code section in R, Matlab & Julia are drawn bold
  • Links in documentation comments are drawn underlined
  • Added support for CriticMarkup in Markdown
  • Added highlighting for YAML tags
  • Slightly adjusted the color for "cyanish" which is used in autocompletion popups and the Goto Symbol panel (not used for syntax highlighting)


12 Sep 17:12
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  • Added three new variables operator_symbol, operator_keyword and punctuation, which can be used to adjust the highlighting for operator symbols/keywords and most of the uncolored punctuations.
  • Fixed red squiggly underline highlighting for build errors in ST 4.
  • Changed a few highlighting colors for the Diff syntax (header lines and range annotations).
  • A small fix for some punctuations in JSX/TSX.
  • Various internal changes for the scope selectors used for syntax-specific rules. This shouldn't have any noticeable effect on syntax highlighting.


22 May 19:07
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  • Added the global "highlight" color #78b2f2 which is used as border color for other occurrences of a selected word in the buffer and for "other" matches in the Find and Find in Files results. This color is similarly used by Adobe Brackets as match-highlight bottom border (see source), but I missed it when I initially created this color scheme. It is a noticeable change, but I think now with the public ST4 release it is the right time to actually use the original color here as well. In the light scheme I've slightly adjusted the color to #2b85ea for a better visibility. The colors previously used for this were auto-generated by ST from the global foreground color, but if desired, those can easily be restored via the following customizations:
      "globals": {
        "highlight": "#9b9e9d",    // previous color in Brackets Dark
        // "highlight": "#3e3e3e", // previous color in Brackets Light
  • Adjusted the color for the block caret a bit, which is drawn with a border in Sublime Text 4.
  • Fixed the border color for inactive selections (ST4), so that it doesn't look out of place anymore.
  • A few small highlighting fixes, e.g. in TypeScript and for punctuation within paths.


02 Apr 19:06
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  • Added support for usage in Sublime Merge (see README for instructions)
  • Adjusted the color for active indentation guides to blue when "draw_active" is present in the "indent_guide_options" setting (in the global preferences). If you prefer to use this style, I would recommend the following options for this setting:
    "indent_guide_options": ["draw_normal", "draw_active"],
    I was a bit unsure about the color, because I don't use this configuration myself and there are no indentation guides in Adobe Brackets, so I'd be open to feedback for possible adjustments here. But I think the automatically generated colors which were used before didn't work very well for "draw_active". Also the setting description mention the guides to be drawn in a different color and they are comparable to the styling used in the Mariana color scheme now.
  • Fixed an issue with preprocessor statements in C/C++, where normal keywords also did get the preprocessor color before
  • A litte tweak for line numbers of context lines in the Find in Files results panel
  • Restore green color for SHA-1 hash of Git commits in Git syntaxes due to changed scope names in ST4