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The spGet is a JavaScript Framework to give you a way of direct access to the Stored Procedures from your front-end web applications.


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The Stored Procedure To Script Model Framework.

If you are using ASP.NET MVC Framework and MS-SQL Server, there is an easiest way to make database web application. No more Model, No more Entity Framework. Just call your stored procedures from JavaSript. You can call stored procedure from your JavaScript without any model, controller, and route.

##Ready to Use There are three simple steps to ready

###1. Define your database connection Web.config

	<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Demo.mdf;Initial Catalog=aspnet-WebApplication2-20160213110200;Integrated Security=True"
	  providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

###2. Copy files

#####1) Place spGetScript folder into your Scripts folder #####2) Place spGetModel folder into your Models folder #####3) Place spGetdascController.cs into your Controllers folder

###5. Add a MapRoute for spGet into your RouteConfig.cs

     name: "spGet",
     url: "spGet/{action}",
     defaults: new { controller = "spGet", action = "" }

##Write an Application

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>spGet - StordProcedure to Script Framework</title>
		li { display: inline-block; width: 120px; border-bottom: 1px solid #808080; padding: 7px; }
	@* Include JQuery library *@
	<script src=""></script>
	@* Include the spGet script file *@
	<script src="~/Scripts/spGetScript/spGet.js"></script>
		// define spGet
		var spGet = new spGet();

		$(function () {
			// delete all records

			// add a record
			spGet.getAsInt("mem_add", { name: 'Daniel', phone: '714-100-0000' });

			// list a table
			var data = spGet.getAsJson("mem_get_tbl");
			for (var i = 0, ln = data.length; i < ln; i++) {
				$("#board").append("<ul><li>" + data[i].id + "</li><li>" + data[i].name + "</li><li>" + data[i].phone + "</li></ul>");

	@* Define an AntyForgeryForm for script security *@
	<form id="__ajaxAntiForgeryForm" action="#" method="post">@Html.AntiForgeryToken()</form>
	<h1>spGet - Member List</h1>
	<div id="board"></div>


getAsJson(sp_name, param): Get returns from SP as Json table(s) 
getAsStr(sp_name, param): Get returns from SP as string via OUTPUT parameter
getAsInt(sp_name, param): Get returns from SP as integer via RETURN

params are json type parameter object. The structure of parameter is the same with the structure of stored procedure parameter

You don't need to care about the type of each parameter. JavaScript data types will be automatically converted to the SQL data types. Now this version of spGet supports automatic type conversion as follow.

JavasSript Type     <=>     SQL Type
string                      char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar, text, (datetime)
integer                     int, (smallint, tinyint)
decimal                     float, real, numeric, decimal
bool                        bit


spGet Framework is licensed under MIT


spGet uses Newtonsoft Json.Net


The spGet is a JavaScript Framework to give you a way of direct access to the Stored Procedures from your front-end web applications.





