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Common UserDialogs interface for xamarin.forms(android/ios).


  1. Alert
  2. Confirm
  3. Toast
  4. ActionSheet
  5. Loading
  6. Progress
  7. DateTimePicker
  8. OptionsPicker
  9. Prompt
  10. Prompt with Multi-line (eg: Login Prompt )

Support Platforms

  1. Android 7.1+
  2. iOS 10+
  3. NET Standard 2.0


Install nuget package in share/standard and platform projects. Passingwind.UserDialogs

Install-Package Passingwind.UserDialogs

a. Android Initialization (In your main activity)


b. iOS (nothing to do)


void Toast(string message);

void Toast(ToastConfig config);

IDisposable Snackbar(string message, Action action = null);

IDisposable Snackbar(SnackbarConfig config);

void Alert(string message);

void Alert(AlertConfig config);

IDisposable ActionSheet(ActionSheetConfig config);

IDisposable Loading(LoadingConfig config);

IProgressDialog Progress(ProgressConfig config);

void Prompt(PromptConfig config);

void Form(PromptFormConfig config);


  1. Alert

    Set default field:

    AlertConfig.DefaultOkText = "是"; // default 'yes'
    // AlertConfig.DefaultCancelText

    Alert message:

    UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("you message");
    UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(new AlertConfig("you message").AddOkButton());

    Confirm Message:

    UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(new AlertConfig("you confirm message")
                                            .AddOkButton(action: () => {
                                                // ok handle
  2. Toast

    UserDialogs.Instance.Toast("you message");
  3. Snackbar

    Set default field:

    SnackbarConfig.DefaultTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.2); // default 1.2s
    SnackbarConfig.DefaultActionText = null;
    SnackbarConfig.DefaultBackgroundColor = null;
    SnackbarConfig.DefaultTextColor = null;
    SnackbarConfig.DefaultActionTextColor = null;
    UserDialogs.Instance.Snackbar(new SnackbarConfig()
        Message = "well down !!!",
        //Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
        //TextColor = Color.BurlyWood,
        //BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow,
        //ActionText = "sure",
        //ActionTextColor = Color.Red,
        Action = () => {
            // you handle here
  4. ActionSheet

    Set default field:

    ActionSheetConfig.DefaultCancelText = "Cancel"; // default 'Cancel'
    ActionSheetConfig.DefaultDestructiveText = "Remove"; // default 'Remove'
    ActionSheetConfig.DefaultBottomSheet = false;  // default false
    var config = new ActionSheetConfig
        Title = "Title",
        Message = "you message",
        // BottomSheet = false,
        // ItemTextAlgin = ActionSheetItemTextAlgin.Center;
    c.AddItem("item3", action: () => {
        // you handle 
  5. Loading

    Show loading hub when task start.

    var dialog = UserDialogs.Instance.Loading(new LoadingConfig("please wait")
            Cancellable = true, // can cancel loading when show loading
            CancelAction = () => // you action handle 
            Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), // show loading duration second
            // MarkType = MarkType.Black 
    // close dialog if you need.
  6. Progress

    show progress hub.

    var dialog = UserDialogs.Instance.Progress(new ProgressConfig("download...")
        Cancellable = true, // can cancel loading when show loading 
        CancelAction = () => // you action handle
    // set current progress value when task update
    dialog.SetProgress(30);   // 1-100
    // close dialog if you need.
  7. Form

    show prompt form

    UserDialogs.Instance.Form(new PromptFormConfig()
        Title = "Please Login", 
        OnAction = (result) =>
                var username = result.Result["username"]; 
                // then you code ...
    .AddItem("username", "username", maxLength: 16) // add 'username' inputbox
    .AddItem("password", "password", InputType.Password, maxLength: 6) // add 'password' password inputbox

Powered By

  1. Android- Progress/Loading uses KProgressHUD
  2. iOS - Progress/Loading/Toast uses MBProgressHUD
  3. iOS - Snackbar uses TTGSnackbar