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django-args is the Django wrapper on python-args.

python-args provides the ability to decorate functions with validators, context, and default value processors. django-args takes this a step further, allowing any function decorated with python-args to seamlessly integrate with Django form views and form wizards.

For example, djarg.views.FormView automatically constructs a Django FormView on a python function and maps the form fields to the function arguments. Assuming the function is wrapped with arg.validators, django-args will seamlessly bind the validators to the form. This same concept is extended to bulk views and form views offered by django-args.

Along with this, django-args also helps eliminate the burden of passing around variables from views to forms for doing simple initializations (choice fields, etc) and other boilerplate that can become difficult to follow as a project grows.

Check out the docs for more information on how you can use django-args for your project.


View the django-args docs here.


Install django-args with:

pip3 install django-args

After this, add djarg to the INSTALLED_APPS setting of your Django project.

Contributing Guide

For information on setting up django-args for development and contributing changes, view CONTRIBUTING.rst.

Primary Authors

  • @wesleykendall (Wes Kendall)