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Smart React Component Extractor



  1. Select code you want to extract
  2. Ctrl + Shift + P to run command pallete
  3. Select "Smart Extract React Component"
  4. Input new component name
  5. Your new component is created. All imports and props are handled by the Smart React Component Extractor!!!


It’s not always possible to keep code clean and declarative. After a dozen commits, your components become huge and unreadable. And then comes refactoring. You split component into smaller ones. It takes time. You can't just Ctrl-X Ctrl-V. So I decided to write extension, which will help you refactor React components

Inspired by

Known Issues

Ternary if in prop

Example: <Button color={darkTheme ? black : white} />

Expected: detect darkTheme, black, white variables
Actual: detects darkTheme, white variables

Function declaration in prop

TODO: Add example and write tests for this case

Release Notes


Initial release of alpha version of extension