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David Witherspoon edited this page Mar 18, 2015 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the K3PO Wiki!

K3PO is a network driver and language agnostic testing tool. It is designed to be able to create arbitrary network traffic and behavior, and to certify whether a network endpoint behaves correctly when subject to that behavior.

The network behavior that the K3PO network driver creates is specified in a K3PO scripting language. This language is described [here](Scripting Language).

The K3PO network driver can be directed to start emulating behavior defined in scripts via a [control protocol](Control Protocol). Test frameworks in various programming languages can then utilize the control protocol to leverage K3PO for their own testing needs.

K3PO also consists of a collection of specifications that validate correctness for a variety of public protocols, such as HTTP (RFC 7230-7237), WebSocket (RFC-6455), etc.

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram

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