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Developer Info

Kyle Johnston edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 5 revisions

Developer Info

Folder Structure

The core folder is for all commands that get directly called by These scripts can modify files on the host system.

The helpers folder is for commands that get called by others and do not modify any files on the host system directly.

The data folder is for non-Python files.

Print Syntax

  • Use periods.
  • No exclamation points.
  • File names and device/file IDs go in double quotes.
  • Only show success print when a file was changed, so not completing a script.

Program Flow Charts

Program Flow: Overview

The chart below shows which files are called by other files.


Program Flow: File Imports

The chart below shows how config.ini and filetailor.ini are imported.


Program Flow: Sync

The chart below shows how the functions within interact between themselves and function in helper files.


Updating this Wiki Page

Install markdown-mermaid-to-images with pip and convert the Markdown files in docs/wiki. While in project root:

$ pip install markdown-mermaid-to-images
$ mkdir markdown-images
$ markdown_mermaid_to_images --folder docs/wiki/ --output markdown-images/

Then, move the images to and rename them to the corresponding name. Last, delete the markdown-images directory including the remaining Markdown files.