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k8sds edited this page Jan 7, 2021 · 1 revision

Kubernetes Desired State (k8sds)

Kubernetes Desired State (aka k8sds) is a simple, opinionated, strict declarative solution for keeping your Kubernetes edge fleet deployments properly configured and up to date. K8sds is a GitOps solution, designed to seamlessly enable production at scale using existing CI/CD pipelines. Kubernetes cluster’s single source-of-truth for configuration is GitHub, ensuring a cluster’s configuration is under strict revision control, while allowing for easy update and rollback.

K8sds is comprised of the following components:

Component Description
k8sds-api K8sds-api is the API server that forms the heart of the system.
k8sds-webui K8sds administrative web interface for managing the API server.
k8sds-agent K8sds-agent is the agent that runs in each k8s cluster being managed by k8sds.
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