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Disclaimer: This repository is not for CodeWarriors. If you are stuck while solving a problem and looking for a hint/solution, please ask a question about it. Please do not just jump into solution and copy-past a solution.

Overview : I wanted to pick, arguably, my top 10 solutions to the problems that I want to share with you instead of putting all my solutions into this repository. I added the Katas that I created and translated from one language to another. If you want to see all my statistics in CodeWars please look at my profile: CodeWars Badge

Authored Katas

  1. Paint Tiles (Approved)

Translated Katas

  1. A Simplistic TCP Finite State Machine (FSM) (From Python to C++)
  2. Multiplication table (From Python to C++)
  3. Help the general decode secret enemy messages. (From C++ to Python)

CodeWars My Top 10 Solutions

  1. Evaluate Mathematical Expression Summary: In this Kata you are expected to evaluate every form of mathematical expression. It can consist of parantheses operations negative numbers(e.g '6 + -( -4)').
  2. Simpler Interactive Interpreter Summary: In this Kata you are expected to implement simple interpreter. It has variable assignment, mathematical expression evaluation, variable outputs and more. Check the link for more detailed explanation.
  3. Rail Fence Cipher Summary: In this Kata you are expected to encode the given text according to Rail Fence Cipher, and find a way to decipher back (Implement encode and decode function).
  4. Path Finder #3: the Alpinist Summary: Hidden Dijkstra's algorithm.
  5. Block Sequence Summary: Description cannot be summarized more.
  6. Factorial tail Summary: You are given a number and base. Need to return the trailing zeros in the resulting factorial in that base.
  7. Vigenère Cipher Helper Summary: In this Kata you are expected to encode the given text according to Vigenère Cipher, and find a way to decipher back (Implement encode and decode function).
  8. Pyramid Slide Down Summary: You are given a pyramide and find a way to maximize your road.
  9. Next smaller number with the same digits Summary: Find the next smaller number than the given number with the same digits (Pretty much title explains itself).
  10. Huffman Encoding Summary: Implementation of huffman encoding and decoding.


Solved, Translated and Created all the Katas.






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