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Ansible role that install and configure HAProxy for Debian


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Ansible Role: HAProxy

An Ansible Role that install and configure HAProxy.

We want this role as simple, configurable and interoperable as possible.

Role behavior

This ansible role install and configure HAProxy.

This software can manage, global configurations, statistic panel, frontends, backends with all common and custom configuration.


Compliant with :

  • Debian 8 (Jessie)
  • Debian 9 (Stretch)
  • Debian 10 (Buster)
  • Debian 11 (Bullseye)


  • Fact gathering should be allowed in ansible-playbook (By default)
  • The role require the superuser privileges. The task should be used with remote_user root or with a sudo/su grant
  • openssl package should be present on the remote host if using the self signed ssl certificate

Role Variables

Available variables with defaults values are defined in defaults/main.yml.



Userlists Syntax

Here is a recap of all possible values in haproxy_userlists_list list.

Option Role Required Default value Type
name Userlist label true none String
users A list of user and their associated passwords true none List

Userlist User Syntax

Here is a recap of all possibles values for users list

Option Role Required Default value Type
username Username of the user to be authenticated true none String
password Password of the user to be authenticated true none String
insecure_password Define if the password type is insecure false false Bool

Example :

  - name: 'basic_auth_logins'
      - username: 'joe'
        password: 'mypassword123'
        insecure_password: true
      - username: 'jane'
        password: '$5$H66A9XpyCHfyPnIN$7EHpQZhICYVcWBq8vn2hePuM6GiZ/1njQnFs13Ymnk9'

will produce

userlist basic_auth_logins
    user joe insecure-password mypassword123
    user jane password $5$H66A9XpyCHfyPnIN$7EHpQZhICYVcWBq8vn2hePuM6GiZ/1njQnFs13Ymnk9

Frontends Syntax

Here is a recap of all possible values for haproxy_frontends in haproxy_frontends_list.

Option Role Required Default value Type
name Frontend Name true none String
bind Bind frontend with interface(s) true none Dict or List See Frontend Bind Syntax guide
comment A comment escaped for HAProxy false none String
custom A list of custom config lines false none List (Any frontend configuration not managed by this role)
acl A list of acl conf lines false none ACL
redirect A list of redirect conf lines false none ACL
use_backend A list of use_backend conf lines false none ACL
mode Protocol used for the instance false tcp Mode
maxconn Maximal number of concurrent connections false 0 Integer
options List of options false none List (All options available for frontend)
timeouts List of timeouts false none List (All timeouts available for frontend)
default_backend Default backend used false none String

Note :

  • If you omit a value the default (if any) will be used.

The syntax is flexible, per example you can use the following syntax :

  - name: 'default'
      port: 80
    default_backend: 'www'
  - name: 'example'
    mode: tcp
      version: 4
      address: ''
      port: 514
    default_backend: 'app'

This will be respectively translated to :

frontend default
    bind :80
    bind [::]:80
    mode http
    option httplog
    default_backend www

frontend example
    mode tcp
    option tcplog
    default_backend app

Frontend Bind syntax

You can define bind parameters for haproxy frontends in two way a single dictionary or a list of dictionary for multiples binds.

Here is a recap of all possible values for the bind dictionary :

Option Role Required Default value Type
address Bind address false undefined Single IP Address undefined for all
version IP version false undefined Int : 4 = IPv4, 6 = IPv6, undef for both
port Bind port true undefined Port number (1-65535)
ssl Enable SSL for this bind using a default common crt-list file '/etc/haproxy/crt-list.txt' false true Boolean
disable_http2 Disable HTTP/2 for this bind false false Boolean

Note :

  • On Debian 10, HAProxy 1.8 is used. So HTTP/2 is automaticaly deployed when port 443 is binded. If you want to disable this default parameter, you can set true disable_http2

Example :

# Single dictionary :
  port: 80

# List of dictionary :
  - { port: 80 }
  - { port: 443, ssl: true }

Backends Syntax

Here is a recap of all possible values for haproxy_backends in haproxy_backends_list.

Option Role Required Default value Type
name Frontend Name true none String
check_all_servers Manage check by default for all servers false none Boolean (true|false)
cookie Cookie definition for backend false none Dict See Backend Cookie Syntax guide
custom A list of custom config lines false none List (Any backend configuration not managed by this role)
mode Protocol used for the instance false tcp Mode
balance Algorithm used to load balance false roundrobin Balance
options List of options false none List (All options available for backend)
backend_server_list List of backend servers true none List See Backend Server Syntax guide

Note :

  • If an option is omitted the default (if any) will be used.
  • If the cookie option is defined this will automaticaly enable the cookie param for each backend server (See Backend Server Syntax guide)

The syntax is flexible, per example you can use the following syntax :

  - name: 'www'
    comment: 'HTTP backend for my web app'
    mode: 'http'
    balance: 'roundrobin'
      - httpchk GET /
      - forwardfor
    check_all_servers: true
    cookie: { name: 'ServID', mode: 'insert', options: 'indirect' }
      - { name: 'web1', address: '', port: '80', maxconn: 256 }
      - { name: 'web2', address: '', port: '80', maxconn: 256 }
      - { name: 'bkp1', address: '', port: '80', cookie: 'web1', custom: 'backup' }
  - name: 'app'
    balance: 'roundrobin'
      - tcp-check
      - stick-table type ip size 250k expire 30m
      - stick on src
      - { name: 'app1', address: '', port: '514', weight: 10 }
      - { name: 'app2', address: '', port: '514', weight: 20 }

This will be respectively translated to :

backend www
    # HTTP backend for my web app
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    cookie ServID insert indirect
    option httpchk GET /
    option forwardfor
    server web1 maxconn 256 cookie web1 check
    server web2 maxconn 256 cookie web2 check
    server bkp1 cookie web1 check backup

backend app
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    option tcp-check
    stick-table type ip size 250k expire 30m
    stick on src
    server app1 weight 10
    server app2 weight 20

Backend Cookie Syntax

Here is a recap of all possibles values for cookie. The cookie variable for a backend is a list of dictionary

Option Role Required Default value Type
name Cookie Name true none String
mode Cookie Mode true none rewrite | insert | prefix
options Option for cookie-based persistence true none Cookie

Backend Server Syntax

Here is a recap of all possibles values for backend_server in backend_server_list in haproxy_backends configuration

Option Role Required Default value Type
name Backend server Name true none String
address IP Address of backend server true none Single IP Address
check Manage check for this server (This override the check_all_servers in backend) false none Boolean (true|false)
comment A comment escaped for HAProxy false none String
cookie Customize value for backend cookie (When backend cookie is enabled) false backend server name String
custom Any custom option not yet available with var false none String Any HAP option
maxconn Maximum number of concurrent connections false none Number
port Port number of backend server true none Port number (1-65535)
weight Load is proportional to their weight relative to the sum of all weights false 1 0-256 Weight

Certificates list Syntax

Here is a recap of all possibles values for haproxy_crt_list list. The haproxy_crt_list variable is a list of dictionary

Option Role Required Default value Type
snifilter sni filter true none String
path Path of certificate on remote host false none SNI Filter

Example :

  - { snifilter: '', path: '/etc/haproxy/ssl/' }
  - { snifilter: '', path: '/etc/haproxy/ssl/' }
  - { snifilter: '*', path: '/etc/haproxy/ssl/' }
  - { path: '/etc/haproxy/ssl/selfsigned.pem'}

Example Playbook

How to use the role in your ansible playbook.

Playbook example

- name: Playbook Task to install haproxy role
  hosts: all (Group of servers on which you want to install and configure haproxy)
    - { role: haproxy, tags: [ 'haproxy' ] }

Variables example

haproxy_webstats: true                  # Enable webstats
haproxy_webstats_admin_opt: 'if TRUE'   # Enable admin level for webstats interface

  - name: 'default'
    mode: 'http'
      - { port: 80 }
      - { port: 443, ssl: true, crt_list: '/etc/haproxy/my-custom-list.txt' }
    default_backend: 'www'

  - name: 'www'
    comment: 'HTTP backend for my web app'
    mode: 'http'
    balance: 'roundrobin'
      - httpchk GET /
      - forwardfor
    check_all_servers: true
    cookie: { name: 'ServID', mode: 'insert', options: 'indirect' }
      - { name: 'web1', address: '', port: '80', maxconn: 256 }
      - { name: 'web2', address: '', port: '80', maxconn: 256 }
      - { name: 'bkp1', address: '', port: '80', cookie: 'web1', custom: 'backup' }
  - name: 'app'
    balance: 'roundrobin'
      - tcp-check
      - stick-table type ip size 250k expire 30m
      - stick on src
      - { name: 'app1', address: '', port: '514', weight: 10 }
      - { name: 'app2', address: '', port: '514', weight: 20 }


This role generate by default a self signed certificate (for testing purposes or waiting for a real ssl certificate). - Files are generated in /etc/haproxy/ssl/ - With selfsigned.crt as the certificate, selfsigned.key as the key and selfsigned as the combined file, wich is usefull for haproxy - You can disable this generation by setting the variable haproxy_generate_self_signed_cert to false haproxy_generate_self_signed_cert: false

Some customization can be done by overriding some variables present in defaults/main.yml like :

  • haproxy_timeout_connect, haproxy_logrotate_period, etc.



Author Information

This role is maintained by maximiliend. Issues and Merge Request are welcome.


Ansible role that install and configure HAProxy for Debian







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