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Android library which implements common functionalities in Android apps


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Android library which implements common functionalities in Android apps


Configure your gradle as follows in order to use this lib:

Step 1. Add the bintray repository to your build file

    allProjects {
        maven {
            url  "" 

Step 2. Add the dependency

    dependencies {
        implementation '{module_name}:{latest_version}'

Lib is modularized in following modules which can be used independently:

Common data

  • Module which contains common data objects.
  • Use ErrorHolder to notify UI of an error occurred on lower layers by providing error message to be displayed and/or exception which caused an error.
  • Use Resource sealed class to update UI with Success, Loading or Error statuses.


  • Stop writing boilerplate code in order to initialize your activity/fragment with your layout.
  • Make permission check as simple as ever because BaseActivity/BaseFragment/BaseDialog implements permission manager from Permission module.
  • Default implementation of progress dialogs, displaying message and errors, handling Unauthorized access can speed up your development, especially for PoC.
  • Any class can be further customized in order to create your own user experience.
  • Using NetworkBoundResource, make caching of network request as simple as possible.


  • Benefit of numerous extension function build on top of standard Android classes.
  • Show fragment with animation by simply calling attachFragment(, MyFragment(), "TAG", FadeAnimation).
  • Initiate voice call by executing only context.performVoiceCall("phone_number"), or start Google Maps by providing only latitude and longitude: context.openGoogleMapNavigation(45.81, 15.96).
  • Check if provided string is an email: "".isEmail(), or find if query matches list of keywords: listOf("KeyA", "KeyB").matches("A").
  • Display LiveData<String> in TextView programmatically: textView.setLiveText(lifecycleOwner, liveData).


  • Get access to user current location. In case that you need single update, just call SingleShotLocationProvider.requestSingleUpdate(context).
  • For stream of location updates choose between LiveData or RXJava Observable.


  • Simplify logging process by calling exception.log() or log("SomeMessage") in your code. There are two implementation of logger available (Logger which uses android.util.Log or CrashlyticsLogger), but you can always implement your own.


  • Module which defines standard HTTP responses exception in order to easily track server response. Provides default NetworkExceptionFactory which will convert HTTP response to this exception. Also, there is LiveDataCallAdapter which will enable you to return LiveData from your Retrofit service (required for NetworkBoundResource).


  • By default, when you are requesting permissions, you need to listen onRequestPermissionResult and parse response to make decision on what to do next. With this lib you can define your callback while requesting permissions:
        permissionManager.requirePermissions(requestedPermissions, object : PermissionCallback {
            override fun onAllowed() {
                //User has allowed access
            override fun onDisallowed() {
                //User has rejected access
  • BaseActiviy, BaseFragment and BaseDialog from core module have built-in support for permission managers


  • This module provides easier access to SharedPreferences for read and write actions

  • By default, to write Sting value to preferences you would need to do following:

        val prefEditor = PreferenceManager.getSharedPreferences("PREFS_NAME", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
        prefEditor.putString("MYSTRLABEL", "myStringToSave")

    With SharedPrefs you can do following:

        val prefs = SharedPrefsFactory.getSharedPrefs(context, "PREFS_NAME")
        prefs.write("MYSTRLABEL", "myStringToSave")
  • For more complex action, you can always access to SharedPreferences object used withing SharedPrefs


  • Module which implements OAuth2 protocol defined by RFC 6749 for password grant type
  • Module provides support for Coroutines and RXJava2
  • To perform authorization on server use one of provided repositories (OAuth2Repository, RxOAuth2Repository). Those repositories will, on login, store access and refresh tokens to shared preferences which you can later retrieve.
  • To authorize user during other requests, use OAuth2Interceptor or RxOAuth2Repository depending on which repository you decided to use


  • This module provides Gson TypeAdapters for Threeten JavaTime
  • To register this adapters to your Gson instance, you can use extension GsonBuilder.registerJavaTimeTypeAdapters()
  • Use RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory when runtime type of an value differs from their declaration type


  • Use functionalities of this module only for testing
  • This module contains boilerplate code used during testing, eg:
    • StaticMock mock SDK version during test execution or mock any other static final field
    • InstantTaskExecutorExtension Junit5 extension used to test LiveData
    • LiveDataExtensions verify value in LiveData