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Implemtation of different CAFA baseline predictors.

The official reports for CAFA1, CAFA2 and CAFA3 consistently show that top CAFA predictors signficantly outperforms simple homology-based function trasfer, as implemented by their "blast" baseline. On the other hand, it was shown by several independent studies that different implementation of scoring based on the same set of blast homology hits can results in vastly different performance; they also show that, if properly designed, a good scoring scheme can result in a competitive baseline method even when only hits from default blast settings are used and no free parameter optimization is involved.

In this project, we tested several implementation of baseline methods, including the "blast" baseline, to investigate the best practice for designing simple but performant baseline methods.


git clone

The following commands are not necessary, because the binaries and data files are already included as part of this package.

cd src/; make install ; cd .. # Not needed if global alignment is not used.

To run the IEA baseline, the input/ file must be manually prepared to map entry name to uniprot accession. A version for CAFA3 targets are already pre-generated.


Run naive (bin/, blast (bin/ and IEA (bin/ baseline predictors on CAFA3 targets:


Input files are at input/. Predictions are at prediction/.

Assess the performance (Fmax, Smin, wFmax) of different predictor:


Assessment summaries are at results/. Summary graphic is at results/Fmax_full.png, results/Smin_full.png and results/wFmax_full.png.

There are also two predictor based on the Needleman-Wunsch (NW) global aligner (bin/ and DIAMOND local aligner (bin/predict_diamond). They are not run by default due to little to no improvement over blast and in the case NW, very long running time. Run and assess these two predictors by:


Assessment summaries are also at results/. Summary graphic is at results/Fmax_full_nw.png, results/Smin_full_nw.png and results/wFmax_full_nw.png for NW; and at results/Fmax_full_diamond.png, results/Smin_full_diamond.png and results/wFmax_full_diamond.png for DIAMOND.


In naive baseline (bin/, the confidence score of predicting a GO term q for a target protein is calculated as:

Cscore_naive(q) = M(q) / M   ... (1)

Here, M is the total number of proteins in the whole training database; and M(q) is the number of proteins annotated with q in the training database. Therefore, equation (1) represents the background probability of a GO term in the training database, regardless of target protein. The difference between naive1 and naive2 is that the former considers all training proteins regardless of species, while the latter only considers proteins in the same species as the target protein. For consistency with information content in official CAFA assessment, both nominator and denominator of equation (1) are pseudo-counted by 1.

In the blast baseline (bin/, 9 different scoring functions are implemented, as shown in equations (2) to (10) below. In the official assessment of CAFA1-3, the "blast" baseline predictor uses confidence score based on local sequence identity:

Cscore_localID(q) =      max        { localID_t(q) }   ... (2)
                    t=1, ... , N(q)

Here, t is the index of blast hits in a default blast run; N(q) is the number of blast hits annotated with GO term q; and localID_t(q) is the local sequence identity between target sequence and the t-th blast hit with term q. Local identity is calculated as localID_t=nident_t/length_t, where nident_t is the number of identical residues between target and t-th hit while length_t is the number of aligned residues between the target and the hit.

Another three scores based on global seuqence identities are also implemented:

Cscore_globalID1(q) =     max        { globalID1_t(q) }   ... (3)
                     t=1, ... , N(q)

Cscore_globalID2(q) =     max        { globalID2_t(q) }   ... (4)
                     t=1, ... , N(q)

Cscore_globalID3(q) =     max        { globalID1_t(q) }   ... (5)
                     t=1, ... , N(q)

Here, globalID1_t=nident_t/qlen is the global sequence identity normalized by the target protein length qlen; globalID2_t=nident_t/slen is normalized by the blast hit length slen; globalID3_t=nident_t/max(qlen,slen) is normalized by the maximum of target and hit length.

The fifth score is based on evalue_t(q), the evalue for the t-th hit with term q. Since evalue is in the range of [0,inf) rather than (0,1], a sigmoid function is used to rescale it into (0,1]:

Cscore_evalue(q) =     max        { 1 - 1 /( 1 + exp( - evalue_t(q) ) }   ... (6)
                  t=1, ... , N(q)

Here, evalue_t(q) is the evalue for the t-th hit with term q.

The sixth score is based on rank_t(q), the ranking of t-th hit with term q among all hits:

Cscore_rank(q) =     max        { 1 - ( rank_t(q) - 1 ) / N }   ... (7)
                t=1, ... , N(q)

Here, N is the number of all hits (with and without q.)

The seventh score is based on frequency of a GO term among hits:

Cscore_freq(q) = N(q) / N   ... (8)

The next two scores are advanced version of frequency, weighted by either globalID1_t and bitscore_t, which are the global sequence identity and bitscore of the t-th blast hit:

                     N(q)                         N
Cscore_metago(q) = ( sum ( globalID1_t(q) )) / ( sum ( globalID_t ))   ... (9)
		     t=1                         t=1

                     N(q)                        N
Cscore_netgo(q)  = ( sum ( bitscore_t(q) )) / ( sum ( bitscore_t ))   ... (10)
	             t=1                        t=1

Equations (9) and (10) are implemented by the sequence-based submodule of MetaGO and NetGO, respecitvely, and probably should not be considered "baseline" due to mathematical complexity. All scoring schemes from equation (2) to (10) are based on blast local alignment using default blast search parameters, except for a change of output format (-outfmt 6) for easy parsing.

The bin/ script implement an alternative scoring based on bitscore:

Cscore_bitscore1(q) =     max       { bitscore_t(q) / bitscore_self(target) }  ... (11)
                    t=1, ... , N(q)

Cscore_bitscore2(q) =     max       { bitscore_t(q) / bitscore_self(t) }       ... (12)
                    t=1, ... , N(q)

Cscore_bitscore3(q) =     max       { bitscore_t(q) / max{ bitscore_self(target),
                    t=1, ... , N(q)                        bitscore_self(t)} } ... (13)

Here, bitscore_self(target) and bitscore_self(t) is the bitscore of aligning the target to itself and template t to itself, respectively.

The bin/ program implements equations (2) to (5) and (7) to (13), using Needleman-Wunsch global sequence alignment (NWalign) rather than blast local alignment. The implementation of NWalign is identical to the Fortran version, but with input and output format changed to support multiple sequences in a single input file. Due to time expense of NWalign, it will only be performed on the hits identified by a blast run. Since NWalign does not report bitscore, alignment score is used instead of bitscore for equation (10) to (13). For (7), the ranking is based on NWalign alignment score rather than the ranking in the blast output.

In IEA baseline (bin/, the GO term of a protein is copied from its full set of uniprot-goa, which mainly includes (but is not limited) electronically inferred annotations with IEA evidence, hence the name. The confidence score of the GO term is determined by the evidence code from in the uniprot-goa annotation. In our previous study, we obtained statistics on the portion of GO terms with the same evidence code e that are either experimentally confirmed (N_confirm(e)) or rejected with a "NOT" qualifier in a later release (N_reject(e)). The confidence score of the evidence code e is therefore:

Cscore_iea(e) = N_confirm(e) / ( N_confirm(e) + N_reject(e) )   ... (14)


See full results at the results/ folder.

results/Fmax_full.png In terms of Fmax at "full" mode, different scoring in the order of accuracy are: evalue < localID < naive1 ≈ naive2 < bitscore1 < bitscore2 ≈ bitscore3 ≈ globalID1 ≈ globalID2 ≈ globalID3 < rank < iea < freq < metago < netgo. In particular, the three scoring functions that consider all hits (freq, metago, netgo) result in consistently higher accuracy than all scorings that use only the top hit of each term (evalue, localID, bitsore, globalID, rank), including the current official "blast" baseline (localID) used in CAFA assessment.

results/Fmax_full_diamond.png Comparison among DIAMOND, NW and blast show that global alignment does not result in significantly more accurate GO prediction than local alignment, and that the faster DIAMOND is slightly worse than blast under default parameters. The performance of NW and blast are the same because NW only realigns the same set of hits found by blast.


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