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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Mar 22:47

This version replaces all previous versions. Any prior version will stop working on 2024-03-06T00:00:00Z. Node administrators must upgrade to this version before that date. The 2.23 feature upgrade will occur at block height 4,577,530 which is estimated to be mined at 2024-03-07T00:00:00Z.

This version will expire on 2024-05-29T00:00:00Z.

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the node.


  • Updated to Pact 4.11:
  • The coin contract was updated to version 6, implementing KIP-0022 (#1807)
  • Pact "verifier plugins" are now available, implementing KIP-0028 (#1777)
  • Fix a bug where nodes could take too long to start up if they took too long to
    rewind to their latest cut. (#1791)
  • Rename two user-visible network IDs (#1810)
    • development was renamed to recap-development
    • fast-development was renamed to development
  • Running a node and making queries to /local should be much faster when the
    ?rewindDepth query parameter is provided.
  • Introduced new --enable-local-timeout (or chainweb.enableLocalTimeout)
    configuration option to enable a timeout for /local queries. This is
    disabled by default. (#1838)
  • New REST API endpoint features (#1800):
    • The /payload GET endpoint now:
      • Takes a ?height query parameter, allowing you to specify the block
        height of the payload you are querying. This parameter will become
        mandatory in the future.

      • The batch query endpoint now supports submitting block heights along with
        their hashes. Instead of submitting a list of hashes, submit a JSON object
        such as:

        { "hashes": ["hash1", "hash2", "hash3"], "heights": [1, 2, 3] }

        See the Chainweb OpenAPI specification for more information on how to use
        this feature. This parameter will become mandatory in the future.

    • The /payload/outputs POST endpoint now:
      • Takes a ?height query parameter, allowing you to specify the block
        height of the payload you are querying. This parameter will become
        mandatory in the future.

      • The batch query endpoint now supports submitting block heights along with
        their hashes. Instead of submitting a list of hashes, submit a JSON object
        such as:

        { "hashes": ["hash1", "hash2", "hash3"], "heights": [1, 2, 3] }

        See the Chainweb OpenAPI specification for more information on how to use
        this feature. This parameter will become mandatory in the future.

Upcoming features:

  • Internal reworks to support a new, more efficient storage format for block
    payloads (#1800)
    • This new format is not complete, and will appear in a future release.
    • In the mean time, this has enabled the /payload API changes mentioned above.
  • Major internal reworks for an upcoming feature known as compaction which
    will help reduce the amount of storage space for chainweb. (#1793, #1792,
    #1812, #1820)
    • Compaction IS NOT STABLE
    • Usage of "compacted nodes" or tools is NOT currently supported

Internal Changes:

  • Major scalability improvements to core "checkpointing" infrastructure, allowing
    faster full-chain replays and other operations (#1803, #1804)
  • Update RocksDB build to 8.3.2 (#1738)
  • Migrate to a unified Nix flake for Haskell developers on Chainweb (#1778)
  • Fix some perfectly benign, but scary warning messages, when compiling Chainweb
  • Several changes to address various test "flakes" and internal test
    infrastructure improvements (#1811, #1822, #1813, #1814, #1816, et cetera)
  • Better logging in the mining loop (#1766)

Official release:

For full details refer to the Changelog

Container Images:

docker pull kadena/chainweb-node:2.23
  • Binary-only Ubuntu-20.04
    Image Digest: []
docker pull

Ubuntu Binaries:

SHA256 Hashes

b3a2fdd9877ed7ec9315f95cc37ec1e456040a28d60abb749a31acac3328bf0a  chainweb-2.23.ghc-9.6.3.ubuntu-22.04.f4a8d59.tar.gz
7caa42b5cd9761ccf7ff7d0593a35d2a86e9157ce743f86869882db2d07d6def  chainweb-2.23.ghc-9.6.3.ubuntu-20.04.f4a8d59.tar.gz

The following dependencies must be installed on the system:

  • ubuntu-22.04:
    apt-get install ca-certificates libgmp10 libssl3 libsnappy1v5 zlib1g liblz4-1 libbz2-1.0 libgflags2.2 zstd
  • ubuntu-20.04:
    apt-get install ca-certificates libgmp10 libssl1.1 libsnappy1v5 zlib1g liblz4-1 libbz2-1.0 libgflags2.2 zstd