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Tools for processing raster and meteorological data related to agriculture

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Tools for processing raster and meteorological data related to agriculture


Transform RGB to HSV, HSI and HSL color space. Function requires these arguments:

  • R - Red channel
  • G - Green channel
  • B - Blue channel
  • norm_val - Divider to normalize input values (they can not exceed 1 after dividing)


RGB_transform = Vectorize(RGB_transform)
sample_data = data.frame(R = c(runif(10, 0, 255)), 
                         G = c(runif(10, 0, 255)),
                         B = c(runif(10, 0, 255)))
data_transformed = RGB_transform(sample_data$R, sample_data$G, sample_data$B, 255)
data_transformed = data.frame(t(data_transformed)) # transpose matrix


Calculate Growing Degree Days by avarage model with thresholds. Function requires these arguments:

  • temp_max - maximum temperature; numeric
  • temp_min - minimum temperature; numeric
  • temp_base - base temperature (minimum threshold value); numeric
  • temp_limit - temperature limit (maximum threshold value, default = 30); numeric


temp_max = runif(n = 100, min = 10, max = 35)
temp_min = runif(n = 100, min = -10, max = 10)
x = gdd(temp_max, temp_min, temp_base = 5)


Merge bounding boxes of two vector layers. The layer can contain several objects. The distance between them must be less than 20 km. Function requires these arguments:

  • vlayer1 - First sf layer
  • vlayer2 - Second sf layer


vlayer1 = st_read("path_to_polygon1")
vlayer2 = st_read("path_to_polygon2")
merged_bbox = merge_bbox(vlayer1, vlayer2)

meteo.R - download.meteo(dates_list, station, variable)

Download selected meteorological data for the specified time period and station from IMGW. Doesn't support 2000 and earlier years. Function requires these arguments:

  • dates_list - List with dates, use create_dates_list function
  • station - Name of the meteorological station, see station_list
  • variable - Meteorological variable, see accordingly meteo_day_list or meteo_month_list in raw code


temp_max_day = download.meteo(dates_list,
                              station_list[station_list$name == "Poznan"],
temp_avg_month = download.meteo(dates_list,
                                station_list[station_list$name == "Poznan"],

To create a list of dates based on the specified time interval use create_dates_list(from_month, to_month, year):

  • from_month - Start month in format "mm"
  • to_month - End month in format "mm"
  • year - Range of years in format c(yyyy:yyyy)


dates_list = create_dates_list("05", "09", c(2011:2016))

To transform downloaded meteo data to long or joint format use transform.meteo(meteo_data, purpose):

  • meteo_data - Data from download.meteo function
  • purpose - "visualize" for long format or "join" for joint format


temp_min_day = transform.meteo(temp_min_day, "visualize")
temp_avg_month = transform.meteo(temp_avg_month, "join")

spectralTools.R - interpretQA(x, cloud, shadow, cirrus, sensor)

Creates a raster with decoded quality conditions classes from Landsat 4-8 scenes. Function requires these arguments:

  • x - Pixel_qa raster
  • cloud (default = "high") - Level of confidence of pixels containing clouds ("high", "medium", "low")
  • shadow (default = TRUE) - Include pixels containing shadows (TRUE, FALSE)
  • cirrus (default = "high") - Level of confidence of pixels containing cirrus ("high", "medium", "low")
  • sensor - Name of sensor ("landsat8", "landsat7")


ras = raster("LE07_L1TP_191023_20130703_20161123_01_T1_pixel_qa.tif")
test = interpretQA(ras, sensor = "landsat7")
writeRaster(test, filename = "test.tif")

To iterative processing through folders and save results to files use create_mask(folders):

  • folders - List with names of directories


folders = list.dirs("Scenes")
folders = folders[-1] # skip the main folder
create_mask(folders[5:10]) # you can choose which folders exactly

spectralTools.R - cloud.list(folders, shape, cloudiness)

Returns data frame with useful (below the threshold value) and useless (above the threshold value) satellite scenes. This is average cloudiness for all features. Function requires these arguments:

  • folders - List with names of directories
  • shape - Vector shape
  • cloudiness (default = 0.6) - Level of cloudiness from 0 to 1


shape = readOGR("shape.shp")
test_clouds = cloud.list(folders, shape) # folders have been set before

spectralTools.R - calculate_stats(folders, shape)

Returns the data frame with mean and median value of spectral indicies for each feature. Function requires these arguments:

  • folders - List with names of directories
  • shape - Vector shape


test_stats = calculate_stats(folders, shape) # folders and shape have been set before
write.csv2(test_stats, file = "results.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Script to calibrate satellite images from Sentinel 2 using sen2cor. It supports multiple cores, but parallel processing can be turned off. To run set the correct settings and paths by script edit.


Tools for processing raster and meteorological data related to agriculture




