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Releases: kaesekaiser/zephyrus

The Cloud Update

02 Nov 02:15
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This update is less about the software behind Zephyrus and more about the hardware. I'm upgrading from a Raspberry Pi that sits on the corner of my desk to a cloud-based distribution platform! This should come with several notable performance improvements, and it also makes the project feel a lot more legitimate.

I'm also changing Zeph's account! Thanks to Discord's busted verification policy, I can't add Zephyrus to any more servers, ever, so I'm switching him to a fresh account: 2ephyrus (pronounced [ˈtwɛ.fɹ̩.əs]). Granted, I'm almost certainly changing the new account's name back to Zephyrus as soon as this release goes out, but I think 2ephyrus is funny.

Anyway, enough about that. Changes since last release:

  • Added z!pokewalker, a brand new minigame
  • Added z!pk catch
  • Added z!pk raid
  • Added z!pk learnset
  • Stylization tweaks to most z!pk sub-commands
  • Deprecated z!pinyin and z!jyutping due to an error
  • Added command usage stat tracking

It seems like a relatively minor release, but the hardware + account changes are more than enough to merit the start of a brand-new era. It's Zeph 3.0, babey! Happy New, uh... Month.

The Great Version Changeover

09 Dec 07:12
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Honestly, at this point, it's been almost two years since the last named Zephyrus release. There have been about 80 commits since, most of which have been minor bugfixes, until recently:

  • Updated Zephyrus to Python 3.9.
  • Switched to v2.1 of the module, granting access to several of Discord's newer features (including threads).

These two changes merit a named release on their own in my eyes. Fitting that this should be version 2.9. I also had to literally factory reset my Raspberry Pi in order to get the new versions to work, so I think it's a big enough deal.

Other notable changes made in the last two years include:

  • Added the Generation VIII and IX Pokémon to z!pk dex.
  • Changed z!dex to a redirect for z!pk dex.
  • Revamped z!p jobs to include a new self-contained job-loading and plane-launching system.
  • Added month and year inputs to z!remindme.
  • Added a Connie-like X-SAMPA interpretation option to z!sconfig.
  • Added z!hug.
  • Added z!coinflip.
  • Added z!chess.
  • Added z!esearch.
  • Added z!yesno.

Many bugs and additions and changes are likely yet to come, and I'd like to go back and clean up some of my older code to take advantage of Python 3.9's new features (walrus operator my beloved <3), but this is the most picturesque time for a named release. This is the new version of Zephyrus.

2021 Update

01 Jan 08:38
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Zephyrus, like all of us, has gone through a lot in 2020. In particular, he's now being used by about two thousand more people, so I've a much bigger collection of unintentional beta testers, and I've been making a lot of additions, changes, and removals. It's also just been a while since I put out a named release, and New Year's seemed like a nice time. Some notable changes:

  • Added z!sconfig, which allows for some server configuration options, including welcome messages and custom prefixes
  • Added z!syntaxtest, z!rolemembers, and z!randomword, which were lifted from the now-defunct bot Leonard
  • Added z!selfroles
  • Added z!remindme, which is now probably Zephyrus's most-used command
  • Added z!weather
  • Added z!age
  • Added z!feedback, to lower the number of pings I woke up to in the morning
  • Added z!counter and z!fe3h, which are mostly only useful to me, in specific cases
  • Zephyrus will now H at you if you h.
  • Removed z!translate, z!flagsquare, and the three now-unnecessary Narahlena-related commands
  • Numerous bug fixes, performance improvements, and back-end cleanups

Also, while writing this release, I noticed that I misspelled the name of a deprecated command on version 2.7 as z!hueshit, and I think that's hilarious. It's 2021. Have a good night.

Conversion Update

14 Apr 02:32
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The main thing contained within this update is a massive (and ongoing) overhaul of z!convert, plus a few minor command changes around the board. It was time for a new version.

  • z!conv now allows for derived units (e.g. m/s^2), and has a much larger selection of built-in units to draw from - mostly SI derived units. I'm also planning to add a way to implement your own custom units, since Zephyrus is present in several conlanging/worldbuilding servers.
  • Temperature conversion has been moved to its own command, z!tconvert.
  • On the back-end, most of the conversion functionality has been moved to its own file, utilities/
  • z!hueshit and z!invert have been removed. I didn't like them and they were gross and no one used them.
  • z!base has been added.
  • Zephyrus salutes back when pinged with "o7".

Narahlena Update

15 Oct 03:05
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This update brings a bunch of sort of smaller things. It's not a particularly cohesive update, and in fact I'm in no way done with the Narahlena-related commands, but I felt it was about time to mark a new version.

  • The addition of z!nln and z!ndict, which integrate my conlang Narahlena into Zephyrus. z!narahlena was already there to help me input Narahlena text, but these two commands are yet more useful.
  • z!p search has been added, plus a few general bug fixes and quality of life improvements within z!planes.
  • Like last time, z!jyutping, z!yale, z!pinyin, z!simplified, and z!traditional have been changed to return plain text instead of embeds for ease of copying on mobile.
  • z!wordlist has been added to make the word games easier.
  • Zephyrus can hug you now. Ping him with the 🤗 emoji. Do it.

The User-Friendliness Update

01 Aug 09:47
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A lot of the work recently has revolved around just making the bot easier and more intuitive to use, and I'm still working on it. This felt like a nice point to publish a release, though, and I'm changing the way the bot checks its version, so it's good timing.

  • Several important user-friendliness updates for z!planes, including a lot of shortcuts for the subcommands, z!p new, z!p buy, a reformatting of the help screen, inclusion of minimaps for airports, a few subcommand format changes, and a couple other things I'm probably forgetting.
  • z!help has also been reformatted to be more informative, and a good bit of the code behind it has been rewritten to take advantage of some native attributes of commands.
  • A couple other minor changes have improved the functionality of some already existent commands including z!wiki, z!foreignwiki, and z!epitaph.
  • z!caesar. z!rot13. z!vig, and z!devig have been rewritten to return plain text rather than embeds for ease of copying on mobile.
  • A few "admin" commands have been added to better allow me to take advantage of Zephyrus, and all-in-all a good bit of backend code has just been made nicer.


21 Jul 07:13
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adding the eval command, which just runs the Python eval function on the input.


04 Jul 16:42
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Adding the ability to translate X-SAMPA into the International Phonetic Alphabet, as well as implementing the new commands traditional, simplified, narahlena, and factors.


01 Jul 02:22
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Factors Pre-release

Adding z!factors, which returns the prime factors of a given integer.


23 Jun 06:56
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TradSimp Pre-release

Adding traditional and simplified commands, plus fixing a couple problems in the formatting of the Chinese transliteration commands.