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Install instructions

Run with Docker (simple)

Docker makes it easy and safe to install and start the two servers required for Openwhyd: the MongoDB database server, and the web/application server (formerly called whydJS).


All you need is:

  • access to the shell (a.k.a. terminal);
  • to have Docker;
  • and to have Git installed on your machine.

Docker for Windows Home

Docker for Windows Home runs on a virtual box, so localhost may not work. For all the instructions below, if localhost is not working, replace it with your docker ip. You can find your docker ip with :

$ docker-machine ip

Clone and run

Commands to type in your shell:

$ git clone
$ cd openwhyd
$ docker-compose up --build --detach  # will start openwhyd's web server and database in the background
$ open http://localhost:8080          # ... in your web browser => you should see Openwhyd's home page! 馃帀
$ docker-compose down                 # when you're done: will stop openwhyd's web server and database

After making changes to the source code, don't forget to stop and re-start it using docker-compose.

Run automated tests

Commands to run all automated tests against the Docker container:

$ make test

Sample data

If you want to import some user data from into your local/test database, you can use the following script:

$ docker-compose up --build --detach    # starts openwhyd's web server and database in the background
$ make docker-seed                      # clears the database and restarts openwhyd's container
$ node scripts/import-from-prod.js test # imports 21 posts from

After that, you will be able to sign in as an administrator using the credentials returned by the script.

The data imported can be seen from http://localhost:8080/all

Connect to the database

If you want to connect to the MongoDB database with the mongo shell using docker-compose container:

$ docker-compose exec mongo mongo mongodb://localhost:27117/openwhyd_test

Deploy to a DigitalOcean instance

Read How to deploy on DigitalOcean.

Install and run manually (advanced)

If you don't want to use Docker (or can't), you can follow these instructions.

Setup (advanced)

  • Install Node.js, MongoDB, GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick
  • Make sure that make and g++ are installed (required for building npm binaries, I had to do this and this)
  • Make sure that a MongoDB server is running
  • Make sure that the necessary environment variables are defined (see below)
  • Make sure that the database is initialized (by running mongo openwhyd_data config/initdb.js and mongo openwhyd_data config/initdb_testing.js)
  • Make sure that dependencies are installed (npm install)

Usage (advanced)

  • Run npm start, or npx pm2 start app.js (auto-restart daemon)
  • Open http://localhost:8080 (or WHYD_URL_PREFIX)
  • During development, you may have to restart the server to have your changes taken into account.

Testing (advanced)

Run unit tests only:

$ npm run test:unit

Run all tests, including approval tests:

$ make test
$ make test-approval

Configuration (advanced)

Command-line arguments

Openwhyd's entry point (app.js) accepts two kinds of command-line arguments:

  • toggles: --no-color, --fakeEmail and --emailAdminsOnly; (see FLAGS from app.js for an up-to-date list)
  • overrides: any app-level configuration parameter can be set, e.g. urlPrefix can be set as --urlPrefix <value>. (see process.appParams from app.js for an up-to-date list)

Advanced use cases

Test email digests

If you want to test email digests locally:

$ node app.js --emailAdminsOnly --digestInterval 5000 --digestImmediate true

Map localhost to a domain name

If you want to test Deezer Connect, you will need your server to be reachable through a domain name. Here's a way to achieve that:

  1. Configure your Deezer app to allow connections from;
  2. Add to your /private/etc/hosts file;
  3. Flush the corresponding cache: $ dscacheutil -flushcache;
  4. Start Openwhyd with $ npm start -- --urlPrefix

Environment variables

  • WHYD_GENUINE_SIGNUP_SECRET (mandatory. a secret key that is used to make sure that sign-ups are legit)
  • WHYD_SESSION_SECRET (mandatory. a secret key used to sign session cookies)
  • WHYD_ADMIN_OBJECTID (ObjectId of the user that can access to admin endpoints)
  • WHYD_ADMIN_NAME (Full-text name of the user that can access to admin endpoints)
  • WHYD_ADMIN_EMAIL (mandatory. Email address of the user that can access to admin endpoints)
  • WHYD_CONTACT_EMAIL (mandatory. email for users to contact the site's team)
  • WHYD_URL_PREFIX (default: http://localhost:8080)
  • WHYD_PORT (default: 8080)
  • MONGODB_DATABASE (example: openwhyd_data, or openwhyd_test)
  • MONGODB_HOST (default: localhost)
  • MONGODB_PORT (default: 27017)
  • MONGODB_USER (default: none)
  • MONGODB_PASS (default: none)
  • SENDGRID_API_KEY (mandatory. API key of the Sendgrid account to be used for sending emails)
  • SENDGRID_API_FROM_EMAIL (mandatory. email address of email sender)
  • SENDGRID_API_FROM_NAME (mandatory. name of email sender)
  • LAST_FM_API_KEY (mandatory. for lastfm scrobbling)
  • LAST_FM_API_SECRET (mandatory. for lastfm scrobbling)
  • ALGOLIA_APP_ID (mandatory. for search index)
  • ALGOLIA_API_KEY (mandatory. for search index)

Other variables to update

The value of following constants is required to connect to the corresponding APIs: