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Go package that contains utilities to work with RDF ontology graphs on different graph storages


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A Go package that contains utilities to work with triple stores and ontology graphs through an unified API.


Simply run

go get -u


There are two levels of abstraction available for use: Either interact directly with a triple store graph through the GraphStore interface or use the higher abstraction OntologyGraph that is passed one of the triple stores as backend.

The GraphStore Interface

The graphstore interface receives and outputs RDF graph data for ontologies in form of term triples (subject-predicate-object).

// Initialize a new in-memory graph store
graphUri = ""
graph = NewMemoryStore(graphUri)

// Define a triple using the NTriple format
s1 := Term("<>")
p1 := Term("<>")
o1 := Term("\"some value\"")
trp1 := NewTriple(s1, p1, o1)

// Define a triple using the Term wrappers
p2 := NewResourceTerm("")
o2 := NewLiteralTerm("another value", "en", "xsd:string")
trp2 := NewTriple(s1, p2, o2)

// Print some components of a term

// Add some triples
graph.AddTriplesUnchecked([]Triple{trp1, trp2})

// Delete all triples which have s1 as subject
graph.DeleteAllMatches(s1.String(), "", "")

Simple In-Memory Store

// Initialize a new in-memory graph store
graphUri = ""
memGraph = NewMemoryStore(graphUri)

// Add some triples
memGraph.AddTriplesUnchecked([]Triple{trp1, trp2})

Blazegraph Database Store

// Initialize a new Blazegraph database endpoint
endpoint = NewBlazegraphEndpoint("http://blazeraph-host:8080")

// Create a new namespace (or use the default `kb`)
namespace := "tenant-1"

// Connect a graph store to the Blazegraph endpoint
graphUri = ""
dbGraph = endpoint.NewBlazegraphStore(graphUri, namespace)

// Add some triples
dbGraph.AddTriplesUnchecked([]Triple{trp1, trp2})

Ontology Graphs

Ontology graphs leverage graph stores (which only process triples) to RDF/RDFS/OWL Ontologies. Instead of working with raw triples, you can use the basic concepts for web semantics directly:

  • Classes
  • Object Properties
  • Data Properties
  • Individuals The concepts of the OWL standard can be read up here.
// Initialize a new in-memory graph store
graphUri := ""
memGraph := ontograph.NewMemoryStore(graphUri)

// Create ontology graph with graph store backend
ont := ontograph.NewOntologyGraph(memGraph)

// How to create a new class and adding it to the ontology:
myClass := ontograph.OntologyClass{
    URI:   "",
    Label: map[string]string{"en": "My Class", "de": "Meine Klasse"},

// How to create a new object property and adding it to the ontology:
myRel := ontograph.OntologyObjectProperty{
    URI:         "",
    Domains:     []string{myClass.URI},
    Ranges:      []string{myClass.URI},
    IsReflexive: true,

// How to create a new individual and adding it to the ontology:
myIndiv := ontograph.OntologyIndividual{
    URI:     "",
    Types:   []string{myClass.URI},
    Label:   map[string]string{"": "My Individual"},
    Comment: map[string]string{"": "some comment", "de": "ein kommentar"},

// How to add relations and data properties to the individual
myIndiv.AddObjectProperty(myRel.URI, myIndiv.URI)
myIndiv.AddDataProperty("", ontograph.XSDStringLiteral("Some string literal").Generic())
myIndiv.AddDataProperty("", ontograph.XSDIntegerLiteral(42).Generic())

// How to retrieve an individual
indiv, _ := ont.GetIndividual("")
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", indiv))

// How to print all values of a data property in an individual
for _, dp := range indiv.DataProperties[""] {
    val, _ := dp.ToXSDInteger()

Linting & Testing

In order to run all tests, databases for testing purposes must be up and running. The easiest way to do this is by running the preconfigured docker-compose:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d

After everything is up and running, the Ginkgo BDD test suite for the package can be run:

go test -cover -coverprofile=./cover.out && go tool cover -func=./cover.out

Also make sure that code linting is passed by fixing the issues indicated with the linters:

golangci-lint run && goreportcard-cli -v


  • Add tests for ontology_literal.go


Go package that contains utilities to work with RDF ontology graphs on different graph storages







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