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KindaPlayer is a simple wrapper over the SoundManager2 engine. It is implemented using the RightJS JavaScript framework and has the following features

  • Simple, fully HTML/CSS based design
  • Easily extensible OOP construction
  • Can work as a standalone widget
  • Can work as an auto-popup for links
  • Follows RightJS UI conventions


Pragmatical usage

var player = new KindaPlayer('/that/url.mp3', {
  controls: ['start', 'stop']

var player = new KindaPlayer([

Automatic links processing with popups

<a href="/that/url.mp3" rel="kinda-player">Play me!</a>

You also can create albums of links

<a href="track1.mp3" rel="kinda-player-album">Track 1</a>
<a href="track2.mp3" rel="kinda-player-album">Track 2</a>
<a href="track3.mp3" rel="kinda-player-album">Track 3</a>


Name DefaultDescription
controls 'prev play stop next mute list'the list and order of the control buttons
showFx 'fade' popup version visual effect
showDuration 400 popup version visual effect duration
scrollFx true marker if it should show a scrolling fx on the title
size 'full' 'full' or 'mini'
volume 100 initial sound volume
minVolume 20 minimal sound volume
maxVolume 150 maximal sound volume
useID3 true will overwrite the titles when ID3 tags available
loop true automatically go the the next position when finished
loopDealy 4000 delay in ms between songs in a loop
showPlaylist true show or not the playlist by default
popupLinks 'a[rel^=kinda-player]' css-rule for hijackable links
albumLinks 'a[rel^=kinda-player-album]'css-rule for hijackable links of albums
autoplay false automatically start playing popup-players


This player works with the following events

  • play
  • pause
  • resume
  • stop
  • finish
  • load
  • error
  • loading
  • playing
  • select
  • mute
  • unmute
  • jump
  • volume_change

You can work with them in any standard way of how RightJS deal with events


select(index)Selects a track out of the playlist
play(index)Starts to play the track
pause()Pauses the playback
toggle()Toggles playback pause
stop()Stops the playback
next()Starts to play the next track
prev()Starts to play the previous track
mute()Toggles the sound
setVolume(int)Sets the sound volume (0..100)
setPosition(int)Sets the playback position in percents (0..100)
setPlaylist(mixed)Sets the playlist tracks
addToList(url[, title])Appends a track to the playlist
insertTo(element[, position])Inserts the player into the given element
showAt(element)Shows the player as a popup at the given element
hide()Hides a popup player

Style Adjustments

For the style adjustments reference see the elements structure description inside of the src/kinda_player.css file.

Dark Theme

To apply the dark theme on the player, just copy the src/kinda_player_dark.css file into your stylesheets directory and include it on your page the usual way

Building the source

To build the source I use FrontCompiler the Ruby based JavaScript compression tool. Therefore you need to have Ruby environment and the FrontCompiler installed. After that just say

rake build

And grab the build at the build/ directory


This project uses the SoundManager2 project engine and released under terms of modified BSD-license


KindaPlayer is a simple HTML/CSS based music player







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