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Getting Started

Acquire Binaries

Prebuilt Binaries For Linux

See latest.


See development setup.

Setting up Minio and Postgres

  1. Use docker compose to run the provided compose file.
    • Change the passwords for both in the file, if desired.
  2. Log into minio, create a bucket, and access keys:
    1. Navigate to http://localhost:9001.
    2. Log in using the MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD defined in the compose file.
    3. Administrator -> Buckets -> Create Bucket +.
    4. Set the name to go-bif-examine.
    5. User -> Access Keys -> Create Access Key +.
    6. Copy/paste the Access Key and Secret Key to your config.
    7. Click create.
  3. Log into postgres and create the database.
    1. Navigate to http://localhost:8080.
    2. Log into postgres
      • Make sure to select postgres type
      • Username: postgres
      • Password: whatever was configured in the compose file
    3. Click Create database
    4. Set the name to go_bif_examine
    5. Click Save

Running go-bif-examine

  1. Copy the example config.
  2. Make sure hostnames and credentials for postgres and minio match what was configured in Setting up Minio and Postgres
    • Hint: if you intend to run whisperer on a machine that isn't also running go-bif-examine, make sure is a value accessible from outside the machine running go-bif-examine!
  3. Start go-bif-examine: ./go-bif-examine -config ./path/to/config.hcl

Running whisperer

  1. Install whisper
  2. At least once instance of whisperer: ./whisperer
    • If you're not running whisperer on the same machine running go-bif-examine, add the following argument: -gprc-server ${GRPC_HOST}:${GPRC_PORT}
      • Where GRPC_HOST == IP of machine running go-bif-examine
      • Where GPRC_PORT == port configured in grpc.port in the go-bif-examine config

Running the CLI

For all commands: if you're not running the CLI from the machine running add the following argument: --gprc ${GRPC_HOST}:${GPRC_PORT}

  • Where GRPC_HOST == IP of machine running go-bif-examine
  • Where GPRC_PORT == port configured in grpc.port in the go-bif-examine config

Upload your key and bif files to be processed

These steps use the auto command and assume your key and bif files are laid out as defined by the key file. For example, Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition V2.6.6.0 has them laid out like:

├─ data/
│  ├─ 25AmbSnd.bif
│  ├─ 25Areas.bif
│  ├─ ...
├─ chitin.key


  • PROJECT_NAME: Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition V2.6.6.0
  • GAME_DIR: "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition"
    • I'm running go-bif-examine from WSL, but have steam installed in Windows
  • KEY_NAME: chitin.key
  • PROJECT_ID: provided by go-bif-examine and printed to console by the CLI
  • BIF_NAME_IN_KEY: 'data/AREA300C.bif'
  1. Upload key file and automatically try to upload bif files:
    1. ./go-bif-examine-cli upload auto --project-name ${PROJECT_NAME} ${KEY_NAME}
    2. This will print the project ID to console
  2. Manually upload a bif file, if needed
    1. ./go-bif-examine-cli upload bif --project-id ${PROJECT_ID} --name-in-key ${BIF_NAME_IN_KEY} ${GAME_DIR}/${BIF_NAME_IN_KEY}
  3. Wait... potentially a long time.
    • I ran two instances of whisperer running in WSL on my AMD Ryzen 5800X equipped machine for just over 25 hours and churned through a bit over 4500 of 17877 audio resources

Searching results

The CLI doesn't yet support searching for results, make manual queries via adminer for now. Sorry.

Download resource

  1. ./go-bif-examine-cli download resource ${ID_OF_RESOURCE}
    • See the DB for the resource ID