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#100DaysOfCode Log - Round 1 - Kaio Rosa

The log of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Started on January 27, 2019.



Worked on HTML and CSS on FreeCodeCamp. Finished the HTML Section and did some subsection on the Intro to CSS module. I learned about string function on MySQL and review DOM manipulation.


I progressed with freeCodeCamp. I finished the section about the CSS basics. I reviewed about margin, padding, hexadecimal and rgb system and CSS variables and importance of fallbacks when it comes to CSS styling. Started working on a minesweeper in C. I only started reading the files to generate the table.


Continued reading the file tabuleiro.txt from Campo Minado (minesweeper).I did a couple of challenges from the Applied Visual Design on FCC (FreeCodeCamp).


I used one hour to go through Free Code Camp. I stopped at : Use a CSS Linear Gradient to Create a Striped Element (Applied Visual Design). I worked on Campo Minado for 30 minutes mainly focusing on designing the data structure I'm going to be using.


I worked on some Free Code Camp challenges for an hour. I stopped at : Applied Visual Design: Animate Elements at Variable Rates (Applied Visual Design). Coded more on Campo Minado.


I've been working on the design aspect of the Campo Minado, meaning in what type of fuctions and the paramenters and testing the functions I created so far. I've spent an hour creating functions like print and allocation memory and making sure it's working the way I intentionally designed them. Also finsihed the section about applied visual and design and worked on some sections on the next section. I stopped at : Applied Accessibility: Improve Chart Accessibility with the figure Element (Applied Accessibility).


I spent 30 minutes on Campo Minado and changed a bit some functions. I worked around 40 minutes on FCC and finished the Applied Accessibility module. I stopped at : Responsive Web Design Principles: Create a Media Query (Responsive Web Design Principles).


Started and finsihed the Responsive Web Design Principles. I stopped at: CSS Flexbox: Use display: flex to Position Two Boxes (CSS Flexbox). I worked on Campo Minado with not much progress. I try to change how I was reading from the file. I decided to copy the file first and then I was going to change the 1s and 0s to the bombs and empty places.


I worked on Campo Minado and I implemented a bunch of function. It's printing the table completely and I calculated the neighbors bombs and everything. Worked as well on FCC problems for 30 minutes or so and I got back to Campo Minado and worked some more on implementing realizarJogada().


I've finished CSS Flexbox on FCC. It's much like reading documentation. Mainly worked on the final design of the final table of Campo Minado.


I've fishished the FCC section about CSS grid. It was fun and there are a phonebook of properties like the the other CSS sections. CSS grid is a easier way to format your elements and a very useful tool to have when dealing with responsiveness. I worked on the flood fill functionality of the minesweeper on Campo Minado.


I've worked on the flood fill functionality of the Campo Minado with not much success. I worked on FCC Tribute Page. Mainly was creating the structure like divs and setting ids and changing colors of elements.


I Worked on the floodfill functionality and it finally worked. Also worked a bit on the Tribute Page (FCC project).


I'm almost done with the Tribute Page. My project passed all the requirements but I still want to be working on it to make it better and prettier. I wrote a readme on GitHub of the Campo Minado, it's a work in progress but it's something. Due to issues with C9 I haven't worked on Campo Minado as much. I implemented a function and changed some bits.


I worked for 30 minutes on my Tribute Page and I was finally happy with the way it looked. It's simple but I liked the end result of it. I also created the restart game funcionality on Campo Minado and tested some edge cases so that I can solve them in my next session.


I took an HTML Quiz on the W3Schools website to review HTML tags and attributes. I started my second project from Free Code Camp (Survey Form) and I finished the backbone of the project. Next I'll be working on styling the page. I worked on Campo Minado and finally someone is able to win the game. Also, I created some function that will be implemented in the next sessions.


Worked on Survey Page (FCC) I'm using this opportunity to use Bootstrap 4 on my project. It's not a requirement but I think it's a great opportunity to play around with it and I think when you use bootstrap is easier to make a beautiful project. For the next session I'll be doing that. I also worked on Campo Minado. I focused on writing analiseJogo.txt and refined to write a file for each match of the game.


I worked on the Survey Page and I added a background image and rearrenged some code and added Bootstrap to my form. I also worked on Campo Minado with not much progress it was generating buggy files and I had not idea how to fix them.


I worked on Campo Minado and solved the problem with the files and I made a big change on analiseJogo function. I've finished my second project on FCC, the survey form page.


I worked on Campo Minado and made some changes the way it was handling the floodfill algorithm. This part is working but it's not the way that I want. Also, I worked on the third project from FCC (Product Landing Page). I only tackled the requirements but not all of them and then I'll be structuring everything to look nice.


I've worked on the nav bar in the Product Landing Page and I worked on Campo Minado freeing memory.


I worked on Campo Minado and I finally can say it's finished I'll be revisiting and refactoring and tweaking but all the functionality is done. I'm so proud of myself for finishing it. I've worked on the Product Landing Page and I decided that it was going to be about Khalid and I added Bootstrap to my project.


I dedicated today to finish the Product Landing Page (FCC). I've read a lot and learned more about CSS Flexbox and I could use in a project and that made that much clear for me.


I worked on the Technical Documentation Page and googled a lot of documentation pages to inspire me.


I worked on the Technical Documentation Page for an hour. I finally have an idea of how I want to look like and right now all of the requirements are met so I can focus on styling properly. it's ugly right now being honest.


I worked on The Technical Documentation Page primarily on the mobile version of it and I changed the style of the page in general. I spend a lot of time reading documentation and examples of code to do some things I had no idea how to start.I've done and extra session just to finish it up.


I worked on the Personal Portifolio Webpage on FCC. That's pretty much it. It's been a lot of HTML and CSS so far. and search and reading.


I've worked on the Portifolio page and all the requirements are met. I'm now working to make it pretty. Added bootstrap to it and I'm having problems with displaying the images properly.


I've worked on The Personal Portifolio Webpage on FCC and I finally finished. It's very rewarding to finish the first of 6 courses and I can't wait to finish them all.


I've worked on some challenges on FCC. Basic JavaScript, variables, how to assign values and how the operators work and how to handle strings. Started learning about HTML Canvas as well.


I started with a short session working on a CodeWars problem. I want to take my JS skills to the next level and I think websites like that can help me. Also worked on some FCC challenges. Functions, passing arguments, operators and the last ones were about if-else statement. Continued learning about HTML Canvas.


I've done a CodeWars problem and also went through some FCC challenges. Switch statement, solving simple problems usings conditionals and the return keyword. A bit about Objects and its notations. Also played around a bit with the HTML Canvas. (I'm following a youtube tutorial)


I've solved a Codewars problem it was one about receiving two strings and creating a new one with the distict letters from both strings and it should be sorted. I've done a couple Basic JavaScript challenges on FCC. I've watched a bit of the HTML Canvas Tutorial.


I've watched a bit of the HTML Canvas Tutorial. I've done some challenges on FCC and finish the section about Basic JavaScript. I have solved two problems in Codewars. One was about making sure boxes was labled correct and the other one was to get the middle character or the two middles depending if the number was even or odd.


I've finished the tutorial about creating objects in the canvas and animating it. I've learned about ES6 features about let, const and a bit of arrow functions. First time I got stuck on a challenge on FCC. I'm learning about higher order function as map(), filter(), and reduce(). I spend time with not much success solving a challenge on Codewars as well.


I've finally finished the challenge about higher order functions and it was a very simple solution. And I spent more time doing more challenges which have been more challenging than usual and I like it. I have added interactivity in the project (following the tutorial)


I've done a couple challenges and I intend to finish the Regex section today. Wirked for hours in FCC Challenges and followed the tutorial about the HTML Canvas.


I've started and finished the Debugging section on FCC. I've started and done a couple challenges on the Basic Data Structures section. This section is about Arrays and its functions. I also started the Mini Project JS which is gonna be a person animated in the canvas, for now.


Finished Basic Data Structure. The last challenges was about Objects and some of its functions. I started the Basic Algorithm Scripting and I've done a couple of them. I also worked on the mini project and created parts of the character that I'll use for the project.


I worked for 30 minutes on the Mini Project Canvas JS. It was most refactoring and add functions. I also worked on challenges on FCC. the past two days was all about solving these simple problems but some of them I spent hours to solve. I finished the Basic Algorithm Scripting section and I started Object Oriented Programming section.


I started off with Mini Project and I made the character move a bit. I created a function update that adds 1 to its x coordinates so it seems like it's moving. I've done a couple of OOP challenges.


I've finished the OOP section which was very interesting on FCC. I've made progress in the Mini project my character is bouncing side to side on the canvas.


I've been diving into the Fucntional Programming section and it's one of the hard ones. FP is all about functions and how your function should not change the original data. There are a lot of concepts like, pure functions, first class objects, first class functions... I've been understanding it better how map() and filter() works under the hood since they do not change the original data/ function that you pass to it. if they receive functions or return functions they have special names that I don't remember for the life of me. lol. I have finished the Functional Programming section. I also worked on putting my portifolio page live using Github Pages.


I've done a couple challenges in the Intermediate Algorithm Scripting section on FCC. This section is hard and I'll be in it for a couple of days I'm sure about that.


I've solved one problem on FCC. This section has been very hard and I've been taking a lot of time solving the challenges.


I could solve exact two challenges on the Intermidiate Algorithm Scripting. I've used Regex on them.


I have solved three challenges today. I've been steping it up day by day. Today was very regex-y as well and one was about fibonacci. I didn't like my solution for the last problem but it worked I can go back later on and I'll probably come up with a better solution.


I've solved two challenges on FCC. I'll probably work in this section for a week or so.


I've solved two challenges on FCC. The first one I used a closure to solve it and the second one was about decoding a sequence of characters.


I have solved one challenge today and it's been very a rewarding one. I've been trying to solve it since a couple days ago. It was one about comparing objects and filtering out some of them. Seems simple to understand the problem but the actual coding took me a long time, not to write it but to come up with the solution. In another session I've solved another one. It is rewarding when they are hard and you are able to solve them.


I've solved one challenge and it was an easy one. I tried solving another one more difficult but it seemed that I wasn't going nowhere so I switched it up.


I've solved one challenge and to be honest I'm surprised. I've tried solving another one but it seems like my code is not very efficient. In the future I want to be able to take a hard class on OOP to be able to understand better my code and also to start writing more elegant code.


I have solved one more challenge on FCC. The Intermediate Algorithm Scripting is a very hard section. I didn't expect to be this hard. Most of the section I've completed in about two hours but this one is taking me so long.


I've solved one more challenge. This last challenge I solved was about summing all prime numbers up to a given number and I could've solved this way from the beginning but I wanted to find another easier way. Turned out that was the easy way to solve it.


I have finished the Intermediate Algorithm Scripiting section. I had three remaining challenges and I decided that I was going to finish them all. I have to celebrate because it was very hard to get here. I hope I got better in the process.


I've solved the second project which was Ceasars Cipher on FCC. The section says projects but this time the projects are harder exercises. I liked this idea since we are still learning the concepts in JS.


I've solved the project about validating a phone number. I can see in this entire certification is the value of understand Regex fully. We have a lot of challeges along the way that it's easier to solve if you know your Regexes haha.


I've finish the project about converting a decimal to the roman equivalent. It wasn't very hard but my solution was not the best one but it worked.


I've worked for almost an hour and a half and now I understand how people are not consistent with habits. I didn't finish any challenge and this is the last one I need to work on before getting my certification.


I have finished the last project on the JS certification. I'm so happy I finally finished my second certification. Now I have the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certification. I still have 4 certification to go!


I've worked on some BootStrap challenges. I'm very excited to learn about Front-End Libraries. I've solved one problem in the last FCC section.


I've solved some Bootstrap challenges and worked on Project Euler (FCC) on freeCodeCamp.


I've finished the Bootstrap section on the Front-End Libraries Certification on FCC. I also solved a Project Euler challenge.


I've solved some JQuery challenges on FCC. I'm dividing 30 minutes to the Front End Libraries Certification and 30 minutes to solving JS problems. I've worked on changing my portfolio page.


Started working on a friend's portfolio. I've finished the JQuery section on FCC.


I've finished the Sass section on FCC. Worked on Rodrigo's portfolio.


I've worked on Rodrigo's portfolio and create and started working on the motion_graphics.html. Worked on some React challenges on FCC.


Worked on Rodrigo's portfolio and created a grid for the motion_graphics.html. I'm taking my time to build this portfolio to learn and get comfortable with CSS grid and flexbox and other technologies I'll be using throughout this project. I worked on some React challenges on FCC.


I've worked on Rodrigo's portfolio and I've created all the files I'll be working on and also made some changes the motion_graphics.html. I've solved some React Challenges on FCC.


I've worked on the contato.html on Rodrigo's portfolio. I worked on some React challenges on FCC.


I've started my first React App and I've done some React challenges on FCC. I also add font-awesome and stylized the icons on Rodrigo's portfolio.


I've worked on teh logos and position them right on Rodrigo's portfolio. I've solved a couple of React challenges on FCC. I've learned about state and how it is important to be encapsulated and how to define default values and requirements for the properties you create in your components.


I've worked on Rodrigo's portfolio, right now I've been focusing on the looks of each page. I created the instagram grid that I intend to use the instagram API to fetch from if this is a thing haha I don't know much about API and this is gonna be a very good experience working with that. Also worked on React challenges on FCC.


I've worked on some React challenges on FCC. And also started working on another page for Rodrigo's portfolio. I hope to be finish with this project by the end of next week.


I've worked more on Rodrigo's portfolio. Worked on some React challenges on FCC. I've leared about how to pass function as props and how can we update properties in the state.


I've worked on some React challenges on FCC. I've learned about lifecycles and how to use css inline styles within React. Worked on Rodrigo's portfolio.


I've worked a bit more my React App and I've done some React Challenges. I've done some React challenges on FCC.


I finally finished the React section on FCC. I've learned about how to use and Array.filter() in that context. Being honest doesn't seem different than using in JS. I've worked on realidade.css and thing are starting to get shape.


I've solved some Redux challenges on FCC. I've worked on Rodrigo's portfolio. I've changed the UI a bit and I basically changed most of the files. I believe it's gonna be easier now to finish what I need.


I've learned more about Redux solving the FCC challenges. I've worked on the instagram logo in the page. I've learned of how to overlay divs. The portfolio is almost looking the way that I want to (aka the actual final look).


I've worked on Rodrigo's portofolio and solved some Redux challenges on FCC.


I've finsihed (sort of) the motion graphics page from my friend's portfolio. I've finished the Redux challenges on FCC.


I've focused on reviewing React and Redux. I used thenewboston tutorial to speed up the process. I think the only thing I hadn't heard before was about refs but the rest was pretty much a revision of everything I have seen on freeCodeCamp. I've changed a bit Rodrigo's portfolio, I think I'll be able to be done with it this weekend. I have a lot of features to work on. I need to learn how to connect with an API and stuff. I started the React and Redux section on FCC.


I started working on the details of the Portfolio page. The next step is figure out how to add the functionalites. I have to work on the transitions of the page. I've worked on some React and Redux challenges on FCC.


I've solved a couple of React and Redux challenges on FCC. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I've added details to realidade_aumentada.html


I've worked on another page on Rodrigo's porfolio. I've worked on React and Redux challenges on FCC.


I've worked on some details on Rodigo's portfolio. I've worked on some React and Redux challenges on FCC.


I've finished the React and Redux section on FCC. I've changed a bit index.html on Rodrigo's portfolio.


I've finished the index.html for now and I'm diving into learning how to make a cool transition between pages.


I've worked on some details on Rodrigo's portfolio.


I started working on the page transitions I've found a jQuery plugin called Animsition I hope it can help me.


It finally worked the transition and I'm working on making it work with the current project. I was a bit worried that the plugin wouldn't be a good fit but fortunately it was.


I thought it was time to get back to my own portfolio and add some things. I added an About Me section and added the portuguese version of the website.


I've worked on Rodrigo's portfolio. I added the animation to the remaining pages. I added an event listener to handle when the right and left arrow key is pressed.


I've worked on the sliding effect on Rodrigo's portfolio. I verified the current page and then I then when the right or left arrow is pressed they go to a page accordingly.


Today was most fixing the bugs when I was transitioning through the pages with the arrows in the keyboard. I'm following a React tutorial and I've watched a few of them.


I have added the spanish version of my portfolio page. I don't have a button to switch it to spanish but it's almost functional. I've reviewed more React.


I have worked on my portfolio and even wrote in the about me section. I've watched some React Tutorials.


I've changed my portfolio. I've watched a tutorial on Express. I'm not deviating from learning React I was very curious about creating a Node App. I also watched some React tutorials.


I've made the first refactoring on Rodrigo's portfolio code. I've watched some React tutorials.